6.1. METplotpy Official Release

Create a new vX.Y.Z official release from the develop branch.

6.1.1. Open Release Issue

  • Define a new issue in the METplotpy repository to create the new release.

    • “Create the METplotpy vX.Y.Z release” for an official or bugfix release.

    • “Create the METplotpy vX.Y.Z-betaN (or -rcN) release” for a development release.

  • For an official or development release, assign the issue to the corresponding METplotpy development project.

  • For a bugfix release, assign the issue to the organization level support project.

  • Select the target milestone.

6.1.2. Clone the Project Repository

  • Create and work in a new directory to ensure a fresh environment:

mkdir release-X.Y.Z
cd release-X.Y.Z
  • Run the clone command to obtain the repository.

Using SSH:

git clone git@github.com:dtcenter/METplotpy

Using HTTP:

git clone https://github.com/dtcenter/METplotpy
  • Enter the project repository directory:

cd METplotpy

6.1.3. Checkout the Main Branch

Checkout the main branch for the X.Y release. If you are creating the METplotpy-X.Y.Z official or bugfix release, checkout main_vX.Y.

git checkout main_vX.Y

6.1.4. Create Release Feature Branch

  • Create a feature branch in which to update the version number and add release notes being sure to include the GitHub issue number for the new release.

git checkout -b feature_NNNN_vX.Y.Z       # for an official or bugfix release
git checkout -b feature_NNNN_vX.Y.Z-betaN # for a development release
git checkout -b feature_NNNN_vX.Y.Z-rcN   # for a development release

6.1.5. Update Version Number

  • Update the version:

    • In ‘docs/conf.py’, update the ‘version’, ‘release_year’, and ‘release_date’ variables for the documentation.

6.1.6. Update Release Notes

You can refer to the GitHub Project board to see what has changed for this release. Open the following URL in a browser:

  • Click on the project that corresponds to this release, i.e. METplotpy-X.Y.Z Development

  • Navigate to the “Closed Issues” tab. If this tab does not exist, see GitHub Projects to Manage Development to create it.

  • Update the release-notes.rst file found in the User’s Guide directory.

  • Consider organizing release notes into logical groups (e.g. Enhancements, Bugfixes, Documentation, etc.) and modifying GitHub issue titles for consistency. The release notes should match the GitHub issue titles, when possible.

  • Use your best judgement to apply bold formatting for any major or important changes.

  • When creating the official release, combine the beta release sections into one section (i.e. “Version X.Y.Z release notes (YYYYMMDD)”).

  • For the METplus repository, remove the development timeline information under the METplus Release Information section prior to creating the official release.

  • Commit changes and push to GitHub.

6.1.7. Update Upgrade Instructions

Occasionally, changes will be made to software that will require users to make changes to their configuration files in order to use the latest release. For example, when ensemble post-processing was added to Gen-Ens-Prod and removed from Ensemble-Stat, users were required to make changes in their configuration files.


This section is not always applicable.

To alert the users to the necessary steps involved with the upgrade:

  • Update the Upgrade Instructions section of the release-notes.rst file found in the METplotpy User’s Guide directory with the necessary information.

  • Add an “upgrade instructions” link next to the appropriate METplus component (METplotpy) after “latest” and before “development” in the METplus Components Release Note Links section in the release-notes.rst file in the METplus User’s Guide in the METplus GitHub repository ONLY if there are Upgrade Instructions for this release.

6.1.8. Rotate Authorship

The METplus team rotates the list of authors in the citation instructions for each official release:

  • Compare the current METplotpy User’s Guide citation to the most recent official release.

  • If needed, update the authorship order, moving the previous first author to the end of the list. Note the format difference in the first name in the citation list compared with the others. The first name in the citation list is “Last name, First Initial.” and all of the following names as “First Initial. Last Name”. Please maintain that format as it is the most common format for citations.

  • The author list is typically found in the conf.py file in the documentation directory, i.e. docs/conf.py. Most of the component repositories store the list of authors in a variable named author_list. Please ensure that changes to this list match the correct format listed above. In the METplus repository, the conf.py file has variable named CURRENT_AUTHORS that is a list of the authors to rotate. To rotate, move the first item in the list to the end of the list. There is logic in this file to read the list and format it properly to match the expected format for citations.

  • Review the list of authors in the citation and at the top level of the documentation and update as needed.

  • Commit changes and push to GitHub

6.1.9. Merge Release Issue

  • After updating the release-specific content on a release feature branch, submit a pull request to merge those changes back into the source branch.

6.1.10. Create Release on GitHub

  • Ensure that any and all dependent releases for METplotpy have been created according to Release Dependencies.

  • Go to Releases on GitHub and click ‘Draft a new release’

  • For ‘Choose a tag’, create a new tag based on the version, starting with ‘v’ (i.e. vX.Y.Z-betaN, vX.Y.Z-rcN, or vX.Y.Z)

  • Define the ‘Target’ branch as:

    • ‘develop’ for a beta development release

    • ‘main_vX.Y’ for a release candidate, bugfix, or official release

  • Define the ‘Release title’ based on the repository name and version, without a leading ‘v’ (i.e. METplotpy-X.Y.Z-betaN, METplotpy-X.Y.Z-rcN, or METplotpy-X.Y.Z)

  • Add a link to the release notes from the METplotpy User’s Guide, i.e. https://METplotpy.readthedocs.io/en/vX.Y.Z-betaN/Users_Guide/release-notes.html (Note: the URL will not be active until the release is created) Refer to a previous release to easily copy and modify this information.

  • Add links to the HTML and PDF versions of the METplotpy User’s Guide on ReadTheDocs. https://METplotpy.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/vX.Y.Z-betaN/pdf/ (Note: the URL will not be active until the release is created) Refer to a previous release to easily copy and modify this information.

  • If this is a development release, check the box that says “This is a pre-release”.

  • Click on “Publish release”.

6.1.11. Update DTC Website

METplus software releases are announced on the DTC website. Add or update information about software releases on the website.

  • Navigate to https://dtcenter.org and sign in to the Drupal interface.

  • Navigate to the downloads page for the METplotpy repository at https://dtcenter.org/community-code/metplus/download

  • Click on the Edit button to edit the Downloads page.

  • Create a new Software Release for the newly released version by clicking on Add New Release.

    • For Full Title of Release type “METplotpy Version X.Y.Z”.

    • For Related Community Code select both the “METplus” and the “METplotpy” options (For Macs, hold the Command key to select both).

    • For Version Label type “METplotpy X.Y.Z-betaN”.

    • Select the Release Type (“Recommended” for official or bugfix releases or “Development” for development versions).

    • Enter the Release Date.

    • Click on Add Code Download then click Add Link to add links for each of the following:

    • In the Release Notes text box provide a direct link to the release-notes.html file in the User’s Guide.

    • Click on Create Release.

    • Update the existing releases, as needed.

      • For a development release, ensure the “Release Type” is set to Development and change any previous Development versions to Other.

      • For a bugfix or official release, change any previous Recommended versions to Other.

      • For an official release, remove the corresponding development releases.

    • Edit the “Coordinated METplus Version X.Y” software release.

      • For a bugfix release, update the existing link and text in the “Coordinated METplus-X.Y” release section with the X.Y.Z+1 information.

    • Make any other necessary website updates.

    • Click on Save at the bottom of the page.

6.1.12. Finalize Release on GitHub

Return to GitHub to finalize the details of this release.

  • Update milestones:

    • Edit the milestone for the current release by updating the Due date with the actual release date.

    • Close the current milestone.

    • Create a new milestone for the first bugfix release (e.g. first vX.Y.1 (bugfix) release).

    • If necessary, create a new milestone for the next official release (e.g. next vX.Y.Z release).

  • Update issues:

    • Close the GitHub issue for creating this official release.

    • If necessary, reassign any remaining issues for the current milestone to other milestones.

  • Update projects:

  • Update branches:

    • Remove any remaining stale development branches from the new release.

    • Update the repository settings by resetting the Default branch to the new main_vX.Y branch:

    -> Settings
    -> Scroll down to the Default branch section
    -> Click the stacked arrows button next to default branch name
    -> Select the new default branch from the dropdown list
    -> Click the Update button

6.1.13. Update Version Number

  • Update the version:

    • In ‘docs/conf.py’, update the ‘version’, ‘release_year’, and ‘release_date’ variables for the documentation.

6.1.14. Update the Documentation on the Web

Because Read the Docs is configured to automate the building of new “main” branches in the METplus components’ repositories, nothing needs to be done to build the documentation for the new release. See the Read the Docs section for further information. For an official release, it is important to update the “Default branch” to this latest “main” branch. An administrator of the METplus component repository will need to do the following to update the default branch:

  • Log into their Read the Docs account

  • Click on the appropriate METplus component project

  • Click on Admin in the top menu

  • Click on Advanced Settings in the left menu

  • Select the new default branch in the dropdown menu for “Default branch” (e.g. main_v4.0.0)

  • Ensure that “latest” points to the new default branch by clicking on “View Docs”in the upper right corner and confirm that the version number displayed in the header is the desired version for “latest”.

6.1.15. Set up Reminder to Delete Beta/RC Tags and Releases

Help keep the GitHub repositories and DockerHub clean by removing beta/rc tags and releases. Do not delete the tags/releases for this release right away. Please set a calendar reminder or schedule an email to be sent two weeks from the release date as a reminder to delete the tags/releases.

In GitHub, first delete all of the releases that contain beta or rc in the name, then delete all corresponding tags. Delete any beta/rc tags in DockerHub if applicable.