1. Coordinated Release
Create a new METplus coordinated release from vX.Y.Z official or bugfix releases of the METplus components. Typically, a coordinated release consists entirely of official component releases prior to any bugfix releases being issued. However, the latter is certainly possible. In fact, whenever a bugfix release is created for a METplus component, the corresponding coordinated release is updated to link to the most recent bugfix version.
The following instructions assume that all of the official or bugfix component releases have already been created. Note, however, that some of these steps can be started prior the completion of the component releases.
1.1. Update DTC Website
METplus software releases are announced on the DTC website. Add or update information about software releases on the website.
Navigate to https://dtcenter.org and sign in to the Drupal interface.
Navigate to the METplus downloads page at https://dtcenter.org/community-code/metplus/download
Click on the Edit button to edit the Downloads page.
Create a new Software Release for the new coordinated release by clicking on Add New Release.
For Full Title of Release type “Coorindated METplus X.Y”.
For Related Community Code select only the “METplus” option.
For Version Label type “Coordinated METplus X.Y”.
Select the Release Type as “Recommended”.
Select the Release Options as “Coordinated”.
Enter the Release Date.
Click on Add Code Download then click Add Link to add links for each of the following:
Add Link: Link text should be “METplus X.Y.Z” and the URL should be a link to the METplus component DTC release page.
Add Link: Link text should be “MET X.Y.Z” and the URL should be a link to the MET component DTC release page.
Add Link: Link text should be “METviewer X.Y.Z” and the URL should be a link to the METviewer component DTC release page.
Add Link: Link text should be “METexpress X.Y.Z” and the URL should be a link to the METexpress component DTC release page.
Add Link: Link text should be “METplotpy X.Y.Z” and the URL should be a link to the METplotpy component DTC release page.
Add Link: Link text should be “METcalcpy X.Y.Z” and the URL should be a link to the METcalcpy component DTC release page.
Add Link: Link text should be “METdataio X.Y.Z” and the URL should be a link to the METdataio component DTC release page.
Add Link: Link text should be “Documentation” and the URL should be the top level directory of the main_vX.Y branch of the METplus User’s Guide hosted on the web. For example, use “https://metplus.readthedocs.io/en/main_vX.Y/Users_Guide/” and NOT “https://metplus.readthedocs.io/en/vX.Y.Z/Users_Guide/”
Add Link: Link text should be “Existing Builds and Docker” and the URL should be the latest Existing Builds page, i.e. https://metplus.readthedocs.io/en/main_vX.Y/Users_Guide/release-notes.html#existing-builds
In the Release Notes text box provide direct links to the release-notes.html files on the main_vX.Y branch of the User’s Guide for each component.
Click on Create Release.
Update any existing coordinated releases by changing the Release Type from “Recommended” to “Other” and click the Update Release button.
Review the existing component releases and remove any remaining development releases (e.g. beta and rc) for any of the official releases included in this coordinated release.
Click on Save at the bottom of the page.
In the develop branch, update the docs/Users_Guide/existing_builds.rst file by copying the template from docs/Users_Guide/existing_builds_templates.rst. Replace X.Y with the appropriate version for each component.
1.2. Finalize Release on GitHub
See GitHub Projects to Manage Support to create a support project for the current METplus coordinated release.
1.3. Release Acceptance Testing
A single Release Acceptance Testing discussion in the METplus repository summarizes the external testing for all development cycles of the METplus components included in a coordinated release.
Navigate to the Release Acceptance Testing discussion for this coordinated release.
Review the repository testing tables for the METplus components within the body of the discussion by clicking on the dropdown icon “Repository Testing” for the appropriate METplus component to expand the hidden table.
Check the Status column in these tables and look for entries still marked as OPEN or FAIL. For a coordinated release, the status for all table entries should be PASS.
Click on the Close discussion button at the bottom discussion.
Do not Lock conversation on this discussion to allow external testers to provide additional comments, as needed.
1.4. Update Zenodo
In the METplus GitHub repository scroll down to the README file and check the METplus Coordinated Release Digital Object Identifier (DOI) on Zenodo. Once all METplus components have been released, gather the zip files for each METplus component release in the METplus Verification System Coordinated Release and upload them to create a new version on Zenodo.
1.5. Announce Release
Contact the METplus project manager to announce the coordinated release via email.
Contact the RAL-IT group to request that the coordinated release components be installed in /usr/local to be used on all RAL machines.