3. How to Create a New Wrapper

3.1. Naming

3.1.1. File Name

Create the new wrapper in the metplus/wrappers directory and name it to reflect the wrapper’s function, e.g.: new_tool_wrapper.py is a wrapper around an application named “new_tool.” Copy the example_wrapper.py to start the process.

3.1.2. Class Name

The name of the class should match the wrapper’s function without underscores and with the first letter of each word capitalized followed by “Wrapper.” For example, the new_tool wrapper would be named NewToolWrapper.

3.2. Add Entry to LOWER_TO_WRAPPER_NAME Dictionary

In metplus/util/constants.py, add entries to the LOWER_TO_WRAPPER_NAME dictionary so that the wrapper can be found in the PROCESS_LIST even if it is formatted differently. The key should be the wrapper name in all lower-case letters without any underscores. The value should be the class name of the wrapper without the “Wrapper” suffix. Add the new entry in the location to preserve alphabetical order so it is easier for other developers to find it. Examples:

'ascii2nc': 'ASCII2NC',
'ensemblestat': 'EnsembleStat',
'newtool': 'NewTool',

The name of a tool can be formatted in different ways depending on the context. For example, the MET tool PCPCombine is written as Pcp-Combine in the MET documentation, the actual application that is run is called pcp_combine, and the wrapper was previously named PcpCombine (different capitalization) in earlier versions of METplus. To make things easier for the user, METplus reads in the values listed in PROCESS_LIST, removes all underscores, dashes, and capital letters, then uses the entries in this dictionary to determine the actual wrapper name.

Some wrappers require multiple entries to cover all of the bases. For example, users may attempt to spell out MODE Time Domain instead of using MTD or accidentally write PointToGrid instead of Point2Grid:

'mtd': 'MTD',
'modetimedomain': 'MTD',
'point2grid': 'Point2Grid',
'pointtogrid': 'Point2Grid',

More than one entry is rarely needed, but they will not hurt anything as long as they do not cause any conflicts.

3.3. Wrapper Components

Open the wrapper file for editing the new class.

3.3.1. Naming

Rename the class to match the wrapper’s class from the above sections. Most wrappers should be a subclass of the RuntimeFreqWrapper:

class NewToolWrapper(RuntimeFreqWrapper)

The text RuntimeFreqWrapper in parenthesis makes NewToolWrapper a subclass of RuntimeFreqWrapper.

Find and replace can be used to rename all instances of the wrapper name in the file. For example, to create IODA2NC wrapper from ASCII2NC, replace ascii2nc with ioda2nc and ASCII2NC with IODA2NC. To create EnsembleStat wrapper from GridStat, replace grid_stat with ensemble_stat and GridStat with EnsembleStat.

3.3.2. Parent Class

If the new tool falls under one of the existing tool categories, then make the tool a subclass of one of the existing classes. This should only be done if the functions in the parent class are needed by the new wrapper. When in doubt, use the RuntimeFreqWrapper.

See Class Hierarchy for more information on existing classes to determine which class to use as the parent class.

3.3.3. Class Variables for Runtime Frequency

RUNTIME_FREQ_DEFAULT and RUNTIME_FREQ_SUPPORTED should be set for all wrappers that inherit from RuntimeFreqWrapper.

See Class Variables for more information.

3.3.4. Init Function

Modify the init function to initialize NewTool from its base class to set the self.app_name variable to the name of the application. If the application is a MET tool, then set self.app_path to the full path of the tool under MET_BIN_DIR. See the Basic Components Init Function section for more information:

def __init__(self, config, instance=None):
    self.app_name = 'new_tool'
    self.app_path = os.path.join(config.getdir('MET_BIN_DIR', ''),
    super().__init__(config, instance=instance)

3.3.5. Read Configuration Variables

The create_c_dict function is called during the initialization step of each wrapper. It is where values from the self.config object are read. The values are stored in the c_dict variable that is referenced throughout the wrapper execution via self.c_dict.

The function should always start with a call to the parent class’ implementation of the function to read/set any variables that are common to all wrappers:

c_dict = super().create_c_dict()

The function should also always return the c_dict variable:

return c_dict File Input/Output

METplus configuration variables that end with _DIR and _TEMPLATE are used to define the criteria to search for input files. Allow Multiple Files

If the application can take more than one file as input for a given category (i.e. FCST, OBS, ENS, etc.) then ALLOW_MULTIPLE_FILES must be set to True:


This is set to False by default in CommandBuilder’s create_c_dict function. If it is set to False and a list of files are found for an input (using wildcards or a list of files in the METplus config template variable) then the wrapper will produce an error and not build the command.

3.3.6. Run Functions

  • The run_at_time_once function or some the functions that it calls will need to be overridden in the wrapper. See run_at_time_once function for more information.

  • It is recommended to divide up the logic into small functions to make the code more readable and easier to test.

  • The function self.set_environment_variables should be called by all wrappers even if the MET tool does not have a config file. This function is typically called from the run_at_time_once function. This is done to set environment variables that MET expects to be set when running, such as MET_TMP_DIR and MET_PYTHON_EXE. If no environment variables need to be set specific to the wrapper, then no implementation of the function in the wrapper needs to be written. Call the implementation of the function from CommandBuilder, which sets the environment variables defined in the [user_env_vars] section of the configuration file and outputs DEBUG logs for each environment variable that has been set in the wrapper. MET_TMP_DIR is automatically set for each wrapper.

  • Once all the necessary information has been provided to create the MET command, call self.build(). This calls self.get_command() to assemble the command and verify that the command wrapper generated contains all of the required arguments. The get_command() in the wrapper may need to be overridden if the MET application is different from the example. For instance, some MET tools require flags such as -f to precede the input filename. The get_command function in the wrapper can be overwritten to prepend the required flag to the filename in the constructed MET command.

  • Call self.clear() at the beginning of each loop iteration that tries to build/run a MET command to prevent inadvertently reusing/re-running commands that were previously created. This is called in the RuntimeFreq wrapper before each call to run_at_time_once, but an additional call may be needed if multiple commands are built and run in this function.

  • To allow the use case to use the specific wrapper, assign the wrapper name to PROCESS_LIST:

    PROCESS_LIST = NewExample


Do not include the text “Wrapper” at the end of the wrapper name.

Each value must match an existing wrapper name without the ‘Wrapper’ suffix. The PROCESS_LIST Section 5.5.2 is located under the [config] section header in the use case and/or example configuration file.

  • Add a section to the Python Wrappers page of the documentation with information about the new tool including a list of all METplus configuration variables that can be used.

  • Add an entry for each METplus configuration variable added to the wrapper to the METplus Configuration Glossary. Each configuration variable should be the MET tool name in all caps i.e. GRID_STAT followed by the variable name. MET tool names generally have underscores between words unless there is a number in the name. Examples below:

  • Create a directory named after the new wrapper to hold the use case configuration files in the met_tool_wrapper directory that users can run to try out the new wrapper. In the corresponding directory under docs/use_cases, be sure to include a .py file that contains the documentation for that use case and a README file to create a header for the documentation page.

This new use case/example configuration file is located in a directory structure like the following:


Note the documentation file is in METplus/docs while the use case conf file is in METplus/parm.

Refer to the Basic Components of METplus Python Wrappers section of the Contributor’s Guide for more information on what should be added.

3.4. Documentation

  • Add a section for the new wrapper in the ‘Python Wrappers’ section of the User’s Guide. This includes a list of all configuration variables specific to this wrapper.

  • Add all new configuration variables to the ‘METplus Configuration Glossary’ section of the User’s Guide.

  • Add any relevant new keywords to the ‘METplus Quick Search for Use Cases’ section of the User’s Guide.

  • Create Sphinx documentation files for each new use case (under docs/use_cases). There should be at least one use case in the docs/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper subdirectory for the new wrapper (more if it can be configured in different ways that should be shown in an example). Be sure to add a README.rst file for the header.