Example: Introductory Use Case


Scientific Objective




METplus Components

This use case utilizes the METplus Example wrapper to demonstrate the effect of time looping and filename template METplus configuration variables.

METplus Workflow

Example is the only tool called in this example. This configuration loops by valid time every 6 hours from 2017-02-01 at 0Z until 2017-02-02 at 0Z. For each valid time, the 3, 6, 9, and 12 hour forecast leads are processed. It processes the following run times:

Valid: 2017-02-01 0Z
Forecast lead: 3 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 0Z
Forecast lead: 6 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 0Z
Forecast lead: 9 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 0Z
Forecast lead: 12 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 6Z
Forecast lead: 3 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 6Z
Forecast lead: 6 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 6Z
Forecast lead: 9 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 6Z
Forecast lead: 12 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 12Z
Forecast lead: 3 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 12Z
Forecast lead: 6 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 12Z
Forecast lead: 9 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 12Z
Forecast lead: 12 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 18Z
Forecast lead: 3 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 18Z
Forecast lead: 6 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 18Z
Forecast lead: 9 hour
Valid: 2017-02-01 18Z
Forecast lead: 12 hour
Valid: 2017-02-02 0Z
Forecast lead: 3 hour
Valid: 2017-02-02 0Z
Forecast lead: 6 hour
Valid: 2017-02-02 0Z
Forecast lead: 9 hour
Valid: 2017-02-02 0Z
Forecast lead: 12 hour

METplus Configuration

METplus first loads all of the configuration files found in parm/metplus_config, then it loads any configuration files passed to METplus via the command line with the -c option, i.e. -c parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/Example/Example.conf

# Example wrapper example


# List of applications to run - only Example for this case

# time looping - options are INIT, VALID, RETRO, and REALTIME
# If set to INIT or RETRO:
# If set to VALID or REALTIME:

# Format of VALID_BEG and VALID_END using % items
# %Y = 4 digit year, %m = 2 digit month, %d = 2 digit day, etc.
# see www.strftime.org for more information
# %Y%m%d%H expands to YYYYMMDDHH

# Start time for METplus run - must match VALID_TIME_FMT
VALID_BEG = 2017020100

# End time for METplus run - must match VALID_TIME_FMT
VALID_END = 2017020200

# Increment between METplus runs (in seconds if no units are specified)
#  Must be >= 60 seconds

# List of forecast leads to process for each run time (init or valid)
# In hours if units are not specified
# If unset, defaults to 0 (don't loop through forecast leads)
LEAD_SEQ = 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H

# Order of loops to process data - Options are times, processes
# Not relevant if only one item is in the PROCESS_LIST
# times = run all wrappers in the PROCESS_LIST for a single run time, then
#   increment the run time and run all wrappers again until all times have
#   been evaluated.
# processes = run the first wrapper in the PROCESS_LIST for all times
#   specified, then repeat for the next item in the PROCESS_LIST until all
#   wrappers have been run
LOOP_ORDER = times

# list of strings to loop over for each run time.
# value for each item can be referenced in filename templates with {custom?fmt=%s}

# End of [config] section and start of [dir] section
# fake directory to look for input data. This can be set to anything, as it only affects the log output.
EXAMPLE_INPUT_DIR = /dir/containing/example/data

# End of [dir] section and start of [filename_templates] section
# Fake template to use to look for input data. This template is substituted with the time information of each
# run time that is executed
EXAMPLE_INPUT_TEMPLATE = {init?fmt=%Y%m%d}/file_{init?fmt=%Y%m%d}_{init?fmt=%2H}_F{lead?fmt=%3H}.{custom?fmt=%s}

The following configuration variables tell METplus to loop by valid time starting at 2017-02-01 0Z, ending on 2017-02-02 0Z, incrementing 6 hours each iteration:

VALID_BEG = 2017020100
VALID_END = 2017020200

The following configuration variable tells METplus to process the 3 hour, 6 hour, 9 hour, and 12 hour forecast leads for EACH valid time:

LEAD_SEQ = 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H

The following configuration variable tells METplus to look in /dir/containing/example/data to find data to process:

EXAMPLE_INPUT_DIR = /dir/containing/example/data

Note that this variable must be found following the [dir] section header

The following configuration variable tells METplus to look for files in the input directory matching the format specified:

EXAMPLE_INPUT_TEMPLATE = {init?fmt=%Y%m%d}/file_{init?fmt=%Y%m%d}_{init?fmt=%2H}_F{lead?fmt=%3H}.ext

For example, valid time 2017-02-01 18Z and forecast lead 3 hours, the desired file is /dir/containing/example/data/20170201/file_20170201_15_F03.ext

Note that the initialization time used is 2017-02-01 15Z, which is calculated by subtracting the forecast lead from the valid time.

MET Configuration


Running METplus

This use case can be run two ways:

  1. Passing in Example.conf then a user-specific system configuration file:

    run_metplus.py -c /path/to/METplus/parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/Example/Example.conf -c /path/to/user_system.conf
  2. Modifying the configurations in parm/metplus_config, then passing in Example.conf:

    run_metplus.py -c /path/to/METplus/parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/Example/Example.conf

The former method is recommended. Whether you add them to a user-specific configuration file or modify the metplus_config files, the following variables must be set correctly:

  • OUTPUT_BASE - Path where METplus output will be written. This must be in a location where you have write permissions

  • MET_INSTALL_DIR - Path to location where MET is installed locally

Example User Configuration File:

OUTPUT_BASE = /path/to/output/dir
MET_INSTALL_DIR = /path/to/met-X.Y

NOTE: All of these items must be found under the [dir] section.

Expected Output

A successful run will output the following both to the screen and to the logfile:

INFO: METplus has successfully finished running.

You should also see a series of log output listing init/valid times, forecast lead times, and filenames derived from the filename templates. Here is an excerpt:

12/30 19:44:02.901 metplus (met_util.py:425) INFO: ****************************************
12/30 19:44:02.901 metplus (met_util.py:426) INFO: * Running METplus
12/30 19:44:02.902 metplus (met_util.py:432) INFO: *  at valid time: 201702010000
12/30 19:44:02.902 metplus (met_util.py:435) INFO: ****************************************
12/30 19:44:02.902 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:58) INFO: Running ExampleWrapper at valid time 20170201000000
12/30 19:44:02.902 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:63) INFO: Input directory is /dir/containing/example/data
12/30 19:44:02.902 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:64) INFO: Input template is {init?fmt=%Y%m%d}/file_{init?fmt=%Y%m%d}_{init?fmt=%2H}_F{lead?fmt=%3H}.ext
12/30 19:44:02.902 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:79) INFO: Processing forecast lead 3 hours initialized at 2017-01-31 21Z and valid at 2017-02-01 00Z
12/30 19:44:02.903 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:88) INFO: Looking in input directory for file: 20170131/file_20170131_21_F003.ext
12/30 19:44:02.903 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:79) INFO: Processing forecast lead 6 hours initialized at 2017-01-31 18Z and valid at 2017-02-01 00Z
12/30 19:44:02.903 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:88) INFO: Looking in input directory for file: 20170131/file_20170131_18_F006.ext
12/30 19:44:02.904 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:79) INFO: Processing forecast lead 9 hours initialized at 2017-01-31 15Z and valid at 2017-02-01 00Z
12/30 19:44:02.904 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:88) INFO: Looking in input directory for file: 20170131/file_20170131_15_F009.ext
12/30 19:44:02.904 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:79) INFO: Processing forecast lead 12 hours initialized at 2017-01-31 12Z and valid at 2017-02-01 00Z
12/30 19:44:02.904 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:88) INFO: Looking in input directory for file: 20170131/file_20170131_12_F012.ext
12/30 19:44:02.904 metplus (met_util.py:425) INFO: ****************************************
12/30 19:44:02.904 metplus (met_util.py:426) INFO: * Running METplus
12/30 19:44:02.905 metplus (met_util.py:432) INFO: *  at valid time: 201702010600
12/30 19:44:02.905 metplus (met_util.py:435) INFO: ****************************************
12/30 19:44:02.905 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:58) INFO: Running ExampleWrapper at valid time 20170201060000
12/30 19:44:02.905 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:63) INFO: Input directory is /dir/containing/example/data
12/30 19:44:02.905 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:64) INFO: Input template is {init?fmt=%Y%m%d}/file_{init?fmt=%Y%m%d}_{init?fmt=%2H}_F{lead?fmt=%3H}.ext
12/30 19:44:02.905 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:79) INFO: Processing forecast lead 3 hours initialized at 2017-02-01 03Z and valid at 2017-02-01 06Z
12/30 19:44:02.906 metplus.Example (example_wrapper.py:88) INFO: Looking in input directory for file: 20170201/file_20170201_03_F003.ext



  • ExampleToolUseCase

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Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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