6. Python Wrappers
This chapter provides a description of each supported Python wrapper in METplus Wrappers. A wrapper is generally a Python script that encapsulates the behavior of a corresponding MET tool. Each of these sections can be added to the PROCESS_LIST configuration list variable. The METplus Configuration section of each wrapper section below lists the METplus Wrappers configuration variables that are specific to that wrapper organized by config file section. You can find more information about each item in the METplus Configuration Glossary. The MET Configuration section of each wrapper (if applicable) displays the wrapped MET configuration file that utilizes environment variables to override settings. These sections also contain a list of environment variables that are referenced in the wrapped MET configuration files and a table to show which METplus configuration variables are used to set them and which MET configuration variables they override.
6.1.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool ASCII2NC
6.1.2. METplus Configuration
6.1.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/Ascii2NcConfig_wrapped
// Default ascii2nc configuration file
// The parameters listed below are used to summarize the ASCII data read in
// Time periods for the summarization
// obs_var (string array) is added and works like grib_code (int array)
// when the obs name is given instead of grib_code
// Mapping of input little_r report types to output message types
message_type_map = [
{ key = "FM-12 SYNOP"; val = "ADPSFC"; },
{ key = "FM-13 SHIP"; val = "SFCSHP"; },
{ key = "FM-15 METAR"; val = "ADPSFC"; },
{ key = "FM-18 BUOY"; val = "SFCSHP"; },
{ key = "FM-281 QSCAT"; val = "ASCATW"; },
{ key = "FM-32 PILOT"; val = "ADPUPA"; },
{ key = "FM-35 TEMP"; val = "ADPUPA"; },
{ key = "FM-88 SATOB"; val = "SATWND"; },
{ key = "FM-97 ACARS"; val = "AIRCFT"; }
// Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file.
// The value should generally not be modified.
//version = "V10.0";
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
time_summary.flag |
time_summary.raw_data |
time_summary.beg |
time_summary.end |
time_summary.step |
time_summary.width |
time_summary.grib_code |
time_summary.obs_var |
time_summary.type |
time_summary.vld_freq |
time_summary.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.2. CyclonePlotter
6.2.1. Description
This wrapper does not have a corresponding MET tool but instead wraps the logic necessary to create plots of cyclone tracks. Currently only the output from the MET tc-pairs tool can be plotted. If used on an internet-limited system, additional dependencies may apply. See Installation for details.
6.2.2. METplus Configuration
6.3. EnsembleStat
6.3.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool ensemble_stat.
6.3.2. METplus Configuration
6.3.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/EnsembleStatConfig_wrapped
// Ensemble-Stat configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// Output model name to be written
// Output description to be written
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
// Output observation type to be written
// Verification grid
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
cat_thresh = [];
nc_var_str = "";
//ens_member_ids =
//control_id =
//prob_cat_thresh =
//prob_pct_thresh =
//eclv_points =
// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {
obs = {
// Point observation filtering options
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//message_type =
sid_exc = [];
//obs_thresh =
//obs_quality_inc =
//obs_quality_exc =
//duplicate_flag =
obs_summary = NONE;
obs_perc_value = 50;
//skip_const =
// Observation error options
// Set dist_type to NONE to use the observation error table instead
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
obs_error = {
//flag =
dist_type = NONE;
dist_parm = [];
inst_bias_scale = 1.0;
inst_bias_offset = 0.0;
min = NA; // Valid range of data
max = NA;
// Mapping of message type group name to comma-separated list of values.
message_type_group_map = [
{ key = "SURFACE"; val = "ADPSFC,SFCSHP,MSONET"; },
{ key = "ANYAIR"; val = "AIRCAR,AIRCFT"; },
{ key = "ONLYSF"; val = "ADPSFC,SFCSHP"; }
//obtype_as_group_val_flag =
// Ensemble bin sizes
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//ens_ssvar_bin_size =
//ens_phist_bin_size =
// Climatology data
//climo_mean = {
//climo_stdev = {
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//climo_cdf = {
// Point observation time window
//obs_window = {
// Verification masking regions
mask = {
//grid =
//poly =
sid = [];
llpnt = [];
// Confidence interval settings
//ci_alpha =
// Interpolation methods
//interp = {
// Statistical output types
//output_flag = {
// Gridded verification output types
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//nc_orank_flag = {
// Random number generator
rng = {
type = "mt19937";
seed = "1";
//grid_weight_flag =
//point_weight_flag =
//output_prefix =
//version = "V9.0";
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens_member_ids |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
control_id |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
prob_cat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
prob_pct_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
eclv_points |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.ens_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_mean.file_name |
fcst.climo_mean.field |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_mean.day_interval |
fcst.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_stdev.file_name |
fcst.climo_stdev.field |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_stdev.day_interval |
fcst.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_mean.file_name |
obs.climo_mean.field |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.method |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.width |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_mean.day_interval |
obs.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_stdev.file_name |
obs.climo_stdev.field |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_stdev.day_interval |
obs.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_quality_inc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_quality_exc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
duplicate_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
skip_const |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype_as_group_val_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens_ssvar_bin_size |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens_phist_bin_size |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_mean.file_name |
climo_mean.field |
climo_mean.regrid.method |
climo_mean.regrid.width |
climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_mean.regrid.shape |
climo_mean.time_interp_method |
climo_mean.match_month |
climo_mean.day_interval |
climo_mean.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_stdev.file_name |
climo_stdev.field |
climo_stdev.regrid.method |
climo_stdev.regrid.width |
climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
climo_stdev.match_month |
climo_stdev.day_interval |
climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_cdv.cdf_bins |
climo_cdv.center_bins |
climo_cdv.write_bins |
climo_cdf.direct_prob |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.poly |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ci_alpha |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interp.field |
interp.vld_thresh |
interp.shape |
interp.type.method |
interp.type.width |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_flag.ecnt |
output_flag.rps |
output_flag.rhist |
output_flag.phist |
output_flag.orank |
output_flag.ssvar |
output_flag.relp |
output_flag.pct |
output_flag.pstd |
output_flag.pjc |
output_flag.prc |
output_flag.eclv |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_orank_flag.latlon |
nc_orank_flag.mean |
nc_orank_flag.raw |
nc_orank_flag.rank |
nc_orank_flag.pit |
nc_orank_flag.vld_count |
nc_orank_flag.weight |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
grid_weight_flag | ${METPLUS_POINT_WEIGHT_FLAG}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
point_weight_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_prefix |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.4. Example
6.4.1. Description
Used to demonstrate how the METplus wrappers handle looping and building commands.
6.4.2. Configuration
6.5. ExtractTiles
6.5.1. Description
The ExtractTiles wrapper is used to regrid and extract subregions from paired tropical cyclone tracks generated with TCStat, or from cluster object centroids generated with MODE Time Domain (MTD). Unlike the other wrappers, the extract_tiles_wrapper does not correspond to a specific MET tool. It reads track information to determine the lat/lon positions of the paired track data. This information is then used to create tiles of subregions. The ExtractTiles wrapper creates a 2n degree x 2m degree grid/tile with each storm located at the center.
6.5.2. METplus Configuration
The following should be set in the METplus configuration file to define the dimensions and density of the tiles comprising the subregion:
6.6. GempakToCF
6.6.1. Description
Used to configure the utility GempakToCF.
6.6.2. METplus Configuration
6.7. GenEnsProd
6.7.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool gen_ens_prod to generate ensemble products.
6.7.2. METplus Configuration
6.7.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/GenEnsProdConfig_wrapped
// Gen-Ens-Prod configuration file.
// For additional information, please see the MET Users Guide.
// Output model name to be written
//model =
// Output description to be written
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//desc =
// Verification grid
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
//regrid = {
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
//censor_thresh =
//censor_val =
//normalize =
//cat_thresh =
//nc_var_str =
// Ensemble fields to be processed
ens = {
//file_type =
//ens_thresh =
//vld_thresh =
//field =
//ens_member_ids =
//control_id =
// Neighborhood ensemble probabilities
//nbrhd_prob = {
// NMEP smoothing methods
//nmep_smooth = {
// Climatology data
//climo_mean = {
//climo_stdev = {
// Ensemble product output types
// May be set separately in each "ens.field" entry
//ensemble_flag = {
//version = "V10.1.0";
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
normalize |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
cat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_var_str |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens.ens_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens.field.name |
ens.field.level |
ens.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ens_member_ids |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
control_id |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nbrhd_prob.width |
nbrhd_prob.shape |
nbrhd_prob.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nmep_smooth.vld_thresh |
nmep_smooth.shape |
nmep_smooth.gaussian_dx |
nmep_smooth.gaussian_radius |
nmep_smooth.type.method |
nmep_smooth.type.width |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_mean.file_name |
climo_mean.field |
climo_mean.regrid.method |
climo_mean.regrid.width |
climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_mean.regrid.shape |
climo_mean.time_interp_method |
climo_mean.match_month |
climo_mean.day_interval |
climo_mean.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_stdev.file_name |
climo_stdev.field |
climo_stdev.regrid.method |
climo_stdev.regrid.width |
climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
climo_stdev.match_month |
climo_stdev.day_interval |
climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ensemble_flag.latlon |
ensemble_flag.mean |
ensemble_flag.stdev |
ensemble_flag.minus |
ensemble_flag.plus |
ensemble_flag.min |
ensemble_flag.max |
ensemble_flag.range |
ensemble_flag.vld_count |
ensemble_flag.frequency |
ensemble_flag.nep |
ensemble_flag.nmep |
ensemble_flag.climo |
ensemble_flag.climo_cdp |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.8. GenVxMask
6.8.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool GenVxMask to define and generate masking regions.
6.8.2. Configuration
6.9. GFDLTracker
6.9.1. Description
Used to call the GFDL Tracker applications to objectively analyze forecast data to provide an estimate of the vortex center position (latitude and longitude), and track the storm for the duration of the forecast. The wrapper copies files and uses symbolic links to ensure that input files are named and located in the correct place so that the tracker can read them. The wrapper also generates index files and other inputs that are required to run the tool and substitutes values into template configuration files that are read by the tracker. Relevant output files are renamed based on user configuration. See GFDL Tracker (Optional) for more information.
6.9.2. METplus Configuration
6.9.3. NML Configuration
Below is the NML template configuration file used for this wrapper. The wrapper substitutes values from the METplus configuration file into this configuration file. While it may appear that environment variables are used in the NML template file, they are not actually environment variables. The wrapper searches for these strings and substitutes the values as appropriate.
Click to view parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/GFDLTracker/template.nml
inp%lt_units = ${METPLUS_DATEIN_INP_LT_UNITS},
inp%file_seq = ${METPLUS_DATEIN_INP_FILE_SEQ},
trkrinfo%type = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_TYPE},
trkrinfo%mslpthresh = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_MSLPTHRESH},
trkrinfo%use_backup_mslp_grad_check = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_USE_BACKUP_MSLP_GRAD_CHECK},
trkrinfo%v850thresh = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_V850THRESH},
trkrinfo%use_backup_850_vt_check = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_USE_BACKUP_850_VT_CHECK},
trkrinfo%enable_timing = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_ENABLE_TIMING},
trkrinfo%gridtype = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_GRIDTYPE},
trkrinfo%contint = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_CONTINT},
trkrinfo%want_oci = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_WANT_OCI},
trkrinfo%out_vit = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_OUT_VIT},
trkrinfo%use_land_mask = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_USE_LAND_MASK},
trkrinfo%inp_data_type = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_INP_DATA_TYPE},
trkrinfo%gribver = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_GRIBVER},
trkrinfo%g2_jpdtn = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_G2_JPDTN},
trkrinfo%g2_mslp_parm_id = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_G2_MSLP_PARM_ID},
trkrinfo%g1_mslp_parm_id = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_G1_MSLP_PARM_ID},
trkrinfo%g1_sfcwind_lev_typ = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_G1_SFCWIND_LEV_TYP},
trkrinfo%g1_sfcwind_lev_val = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_G1_SFCWIND_LEV_VAL},
trkrinfo%westbd = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_WESTBD},
trkrinfo%eastbd = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_EASTBD},
trkrinfo%southbd = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_SOUTHBD},
trkrinfo%northbd = ${METPLUS_TRACKERINFO_NORTHBD},
use_per_fcst_command = ${METPLUS_WAITINFO_USE_PER_FCST_COMMAND},
netcdfinfo%lat_name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_LAT_NAME},
netcdfinfo%lmaskname = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_LMASKNAME},
netcdfinfo%lon_name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_LON_NAME},
netcdfinfo%mslpname = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_MSLPNAME},
netcdfinfo%netcdf_filename = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_NETCDF_FILENAME},
netcdfinfo%num_netcdf_vars = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_NUM_NETCDF_VARS},
netcdfinfo%rv700name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_RV700NAME},
netcdfinfo%rv850name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_RV850NAME},
netcdfinfo%time_name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_TIME_NAME},
netcdfinfo%time_units = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_TIME_UNITS},
netcdfinfo%tmean_300_500_name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_TMEAN_300_500_NAME},
netcdfinfo%u500name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_U500NAME},
netcdfinfo%u700name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_U700NAME},
netcdfinfo%u850name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_U850NAME},
netcdfinfo%usfcname = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_USFCNAME},
netcdfinfo%v500name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_V500NAME},
netcdfinfo%v700name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_V700NAME},
netcdfinfo%v850name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_V850NAME},
netcdfinfo%vsfcname = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_VSFCNAME},
netcdfinfo%z200name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z200NAME},
netcdfinfo%z300name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z300NAME},
netcdfinfo%z350name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z350NAME},
netcdfinfo%z400name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z400NAME},
netcdfinfo%z450name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z450NAME},
netcdfinfo%z500name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z500NAME},
netcdfinfo%z550name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z550NAME},
netcdfinfo%z600name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z600NAME},
netcdfinfo%z650name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z650NAME},
netcdfinfo%z700name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z700NAME},
netcdfinfo%z750name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z750NAME},
netcdfinfo%z800name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z800NAME},
netcdfinfo%z850name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z850NAME},
netcdfinfo%z900name = ${METPLUS_NETCDFINFO_Z900NAME},
user_wants_to_track_zeta700 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_ZETA700},
user_wants_to_track_wcirc850 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_WCIRC850},
user_wants_to_track_wcirc700 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_WCIRC700},
user_wants_to_track_gph850 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_GPH850},
user_wants_to_track_gph700 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_GPH700},
user_wants_to_track_mslp = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_MSLP},
user_wants_to_track_wcircsfc = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_WCIRCSFC},
user_wants_to_track_zetasfc = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_ZETASFC},
user_wants_to_track_thick500850 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_THICK500850},
user_wants_to_track_thick200500 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_THICK200500},
user_wants_to_track_thick200850 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_THICK200850},
user_wants_to_track_zeta850 = ${METPLUS_USER_WANTS_TO_TRACK_ZETA850},
/ Environment variables in template
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%bcc |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%byy |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%bmm |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%bdd |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%bhh |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%model |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%modtyp |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%lt_units |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%file_seq |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&datein: inp%nesttyp |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&atcfinfo: atcfnum |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&atcfinfo: atcfname |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&atcfinfo: atcfymdh |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&atcfinfo: atcffreq |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%type |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%mslpthresh |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%use_backup_mslp_grad_check |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%v850thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%use_backup_850_vt_check |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%enable_timing |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%gridtype |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%contint |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%want_oci |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%out_vit |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%use_land_mask |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%inp_data_type |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%gribver |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%g2_jpdtn |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%g2_mslp_parm_id |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%g1_mslp_parm_id |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%g1_sfcwind_lev_typ |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&trackerinfo: trkrinfo%g1_sfcwind_lev_val |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&phaseinfo: phaseflag |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&phaseinfo: phasescheme |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&phaseinfo: wcore_depth |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&structinfo: structflag |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&structinfo: ikeflag |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&fnameinfo: gmodname |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&fnameinfo: rundescr |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&fnameinfo: atcfdescr |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&waitinfo: use_waitfor |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&waitinfo: wait_min_age |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&waitinfo: wait_min_size |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&waitinfo: wait_max_wait |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&waitinfo: wait_sleeptime |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&waitinfo: use_per_fcst_command |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&waitinfo: per_fcst_command |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%lat_name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%lmaskname |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%lon_name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%mslpname |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%netcdf_filename |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%num_netcdf_vars |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%rv700name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%rv850name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%time_name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%time_units |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%tmean_300_500_name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%u500name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%u700name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%u850name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%usfcname |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%v500name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%v700name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%v850name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%vsfcname |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z200name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z300name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z350name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z400name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z450name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z500name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z550name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z600name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z650name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z700name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z750name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z800name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z850name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&netcdflist: netcdfinfo%z900name |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_zeta700 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_wcirc850 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_wcirc700 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_gph850 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_gph700 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_mslp |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_wcircsfc |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_zetasfc |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_thick500850 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_thick200500 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_thick200850 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&parmpreflist: user_wants_to_track_zeta850 |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&verbose: verb |
METplus Config(s) |
NML Config File |
&verbose: verb_g2 |
6.10. GridDiag
6.10.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool grid_diag.
6.10.2. METplus Configuration
6.10.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/GridDiagConfig_wrapped
// Grid-Diag configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/GridDiagConfig_default file.
// Description
//desc =
// Output grid
//regrid = {
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
//censor_thresh =
//censor_val =
// Data fields
//data = {
//mask = {
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
data.field.name |
data.field.level |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
mask.poly |
Since the default value in the MET config file for ‘grid’ is grid = [ “FULL” ];, setting GRID_DIAG_MASK_GRID to an empty string will result in a value of grid = []; in the MET config file.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.11. GridStat
6.11.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool grid_stat.
6.11.2. METplus Configuration
6.11.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/GridStatConfig_wrapped
// Grid-Stat configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// Output model name to be written
// model =
// Output description to be written
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
// desc =
// Output observation type to be written
// obtype =
// Verification grid
// regrid = {
//censor_thresh =
//censor_val =
//cat_thresh =
cnt_thresh = [ NA ];
cnt_logic = UNION;
wind_thresh = [ NA ];
wind_logic = UNION;
eclv_points = 0.05;
//nc_pairs_var_name =
nc_pairs_var_suffix = "";
//hss_ec_value =
rank_corr_flag = FALSE;
// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {
obs = {
// Climatology mean data
//climo_mean = {
//climo_stdev = {
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//climo_cdf = {
// Verification masking regions
// mask = {
// Confidence interval settings
ci_alpha = [ 0.05 ];
boot = {
interval = PCTILE;
rep_prop = 1.0;
n_rep = 0;
rng = "mt19937";
seed = "";
// Data smoothing methods
//interp = {
// Neighborhood methods
nbrhd = {
field = BOTH;
// shape =
// width =
// cov_thresh =
vld_thresh = 1.0;
// Fourier decomposition
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//fourier = {
// Gradient statistics
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
gradient = {
dx = [ 1 ];
dy = [ 1 ];
// Distance Map statistics
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//distance_map = {
// Threshold for SEEPS p1 (Probability of being dry)
//seeps_p1_thresh =
// Statistical output types
//output_flag = {
// NetCDF matched pairs output file
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
// nc_pairs_flag = {
//ugrid_dataset =
//ugrid_max_distance_km =
//ugrid_coordinates_file =
//grid_weight_flag =
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
// output_prefix =
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
cat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_pairs_var_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
hss_ec_value |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_mean.file_name |
fcst.climo_mean.field |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_mean.day_interval |
fcst.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_stdev.file_name |
fcst.climo_stdev.field |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_stdev.day_interval |
fcst.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_mean.file_name |
obs.climo_mean.field |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.method |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.width |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_mean.day_interval |
obs.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_stdev.file_name |
obs.climo_stdev.field |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_stdev.day_interval |
obs.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_mean.file_name |
climo_mean.field |
climo_mean.regrid.method |
climo_mean.regrid.width |
climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_mean.regrid.shape |
climo_mean.time_interp_method |
climo_mean.match_month |
climo_mean.day_interval |
climo_mean.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_stdev.file_name |
climo_stdev.field |
climo_stdev.regrid.method |
climo_stdev.regrid.width |
climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
climo_stdev.match_month |
climo_stdev.day_interval |
climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_cdf.cdf_bins |
climo_cdf.center_bins |
climo_cdf.write_bins |
climo_cdf.direct_prob |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
mask.poly |
Since the default value in the MET config file for ‘grid’ is grid = [ “FULL” ];, setting GRID_STAT_MASK_GRID to an empty string will result in a value of grid = []; in the MET config file.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interp.field |
interp.vld_thresh |
interp.shape |
interp.type.method |
interp.type.width |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nbrhd.shape |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nbrhd.width |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nbrhd.cov_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fourier.wave_1d_beg |
fourier.wave_1d_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
distance_map.baddeley_p |
distance_map.baddeley_max_dist |
distance_map.fom_alpha |
distance_map.zhu_weight |
distance_map.beta_value(n) |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
seeps_p1_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_flag.fho |
output_flag.ctc |
output_flag.cts |
output_flag.mctc |
output_flag.mcts |
output_flag.cnt |
output_flag.sl1l2 |
output_flag.sal1l2 |
output_flag.vl1l2 |
output_flag.val1l2 |
output_flag.vcnt |
output_flag.pct |
output_flag.pstd |
output_flag.pjc |
output_flag.prc |
output_flag.eclv |
output_flag.nbrctc |
output_flag.nbrcts |
output_flag.nbrcnt |
output_flag.grad |
output_flag.dmap |
output_flag.seeps |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_pairs_flag.latlon |
nc_pairs_flag.raw |
nc_pairs_flag.diff |
nc_pairs_flag.climo |
nc_pairs_flag.climo_cdp |
nc_pairs_flag.weight |
nc_pairs_flag.nbrhd |
nc_pairs_flag.fourier |
nc_pairs_flag.gradient |
nc_pairs_flag.distance_map |
nc_pairs_flag.apply_mask |
nc_pairs_flag.seeps | ${METPLUS_UGRID_DATASET}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ugrid_max_distance_km | ${METPLUS_UGRID_COORDINATES_FILE}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ugrid_coordinates_file |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
grid_weight_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
time_offset_warning |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.12. IODA2NC
6.12.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool ioda2nc
6.12.2. METplus Configuration
6.12.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/IODA2NCConfig_wrapped
// IODA2NC configuration file.
// For additional information, please see the MET Users Guide.
// IODA message type
// message_type = [
// Mapping of message type group name to comma-separated list of values
// Derive PRMSL only for SURFACE message types
// message_type_group_map = [
// Mapping of input IODA message types to output message types
// message_type_map = [
// IODA station ID
// station_id = [
// Observation time window
// obs_window = {
// Observation retention regions
// mask = {
// Observing location elevation
// elevation_range = {
// Vertical levels to retain
// level_range = {
// IODA variable names to retain or derive.
// Use obs_bufr_map to rename variables in the output.
// If empty or 'all', process all available variables.
// obs_var = [
// Mapping of input IODA variable names to output variables names.
// The default IODA map, obs_var_map, is appended to this map.
// obs_name_map = [
// Default mapping for Metadata.
// metadata_map = [
// missing_thresh = [
// quality_mark_thresh =
// Time periods for the summarization
// obs_var (string array) is added and works like grib_code (int array)
// when use_var_id is enabled and variable names are saved.
// time_summary = {
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
//version = "V10.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type_group_map |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type_map |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
station_id |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_window.beg |
obs_window.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
mask.poly |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
elevation_range.beg |
elevation_range.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
level_range.beg |
level_range.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_var |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_name_map |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
metadata_map |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
missing_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
quality_mark_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
time_summary.flag |
time_summary.raw_data |
time_summary.beg |
time_summary.end |
time_summary.step |
time_summary.width |
time_summary.grib_code |
time_summary.obs_var |
time_summary.type |
time_summary.vld_freq |
time_summary.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.13. MADIS2NC
6.13.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool madis2nc
6.13.2. METplus Configuration
6.13.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/Madis2NcConfig_wrapped
// MADIS2NC configuration file.
// For additional information, please see the MET Users Guide.
// The parameters listed below are used to summarize the MADIS data read in
// Time periods for the summarization
// obs_var (string array) is added and works like grib_code (int array)
// when the obs name is given instead of grib_code
//time_summary = {
// Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file.
// The value should generally not be modified.
//version = "V12.0.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
time_summary.flag |
time_summary.raw_data |
time_summary.beg |
time_summary.end |
time_summary.step |
time_summary.width |
time_summary.grib_code |
time_summary.obs_var |
time_summary.type |
time_summary.vld_freq |
time_summary.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.14. METdbLoad
6.14.1. Description
Used to call the met_db_load.py script from dtcenter/METdataio to load MET output into a METviewer database.
6.14.2. METplus Configuration
6.14.3. XML Configuration
Below is the XML template configuration file used for this wrapper. The wrapper substitutes values from the METplus configuration file into this configuration file. While it may appear that environment variables are used in the XML template file, they are not actually environment variables. The wrapper searches for these strings and substitutes the values as appropriate.
Click to view parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper/METdbLoad/METdbLoadConfig.xml
<field name="dirs">
</load_spec> Environment variables in XML config
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><connection><host> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><connection><database> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><connection><user> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><connection><password> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><verbose> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><insert_size> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><mode_header_db_check> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><drop_indexes> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><apply_indexes> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><group> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><load_stat> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><load_mode> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><load_mtd> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_spec><load_mpr> |
METplus Config(s) |
XML Config File |
<load_val><field name=”dirs”><val> |
6.15. MODE
6.15.1. Description
Used to configure the MET Method for Object-based Diagnostic Evaluation tool mode.
6.15.2. METplus Configuration
6.15.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/MODEConfig_wrapped
// MODE configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// Output model name to be written
// model =
// Output description to be written
// desc =
// Output observation type to be written
// obtype =
// Verification grid
// regrid = {
// Approximate grid resolution (km)
// grid_res =
// Run all permutations of radius and threshold
// quilt =
// MODE Multivar boolean combination logic
//multivar_logic =
//multivar_intensity_compare_fcst =
//multivar_intensity_compare_obs =
// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {
//field = {
//censor_thresh = [
//censor_val = [
//conv_radius =
//conv_thresh =
//vld_thresh =
//filter_attr_name = [
//filter_attr_thresh = [
//merge_thresh =
//merge_flag =
obs = {
//field = {
//censor_thresh = [
//censor_val = [
//conv_radius =
//conv_thresh =
//vld_thresh =
//filter_attr_name = [
//filter_attr_thresh = [
//merge_thresh =
//merge_flag =
// Handle missing data
// mask_missing_flag =
// Match objects between the forecast and observation fields
//match_flag =
// Maximum centroid distance for objects to be compared
//max_centroid_dist =
// Verification masking regions
//mask = {
// Fuzzy engine weights
//weight = {
// Fuzzy engine interest functions
interest_function = {
//centroid_dist = (
//boundary_dist = (
//convex_hull_dist = (
angle_diff = (
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 30.0, 1.0 )
( 90.0, 0.0 )
aspect_diff = (
( 0.00, 1.0 )
( 0.10, 1.0 )
( 0.75, 0.0 )
corner = 0.8;
ratio_if = (
( 0.0, 0.0 )
( corner, 1.0 )
( 1.0, 1.0 )
area_ratio = ratio_if;
int_area_ratio = (
( 0.00, 0.00 )
( 0.10, 0.50 )
( 0.25, 1.00 )
( 1.00, 1.00 )
curvature_ratio = ratio_if;
complexity_ratio = ratio_if;
inten_perc_ratio = ratio_if;
// Total interest threshold for determining matches
//total_interest_thresh =
// Interest threshold for printing output pair information
print_interest_thresh = 0.0;
// Plotting information
met_data_dir = "MET_BASE";
fcst_raw_plot = {
color_table = "MET_BASE/colortables/met_default.ctable";
plot_min = 0.0;
plot_max = 0.0;
obs_raw_plot = {
color_table = "MET_BASE/colortables/met_default.ctable";
plot_min = 0.0;
plot_max = 0.0;
object_plot = {
color_table = "MET_BASE/colortables/mode_obj.ctable";
// Boolean for plotting on the region of valid data within the domain
plot_valid_flag = FALSE;
// Plot polyline edges using great circle arcs instead of straight lines
plot_gcarc_flag = FALSE;
// NetCDF matched pairs, PostScript, and contingency table output files
//ps_plot_flag =
//nc_pairs_flag = {
//ct_stats_flag =
shift_right = 0; // grid squares
//version = "V10.0";
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
grid_res |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
quilt |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
multivar_intensity_compare_fcst | ${METPLUS_MULTIVAR_INTENSITY_COMPARE_OBS}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
multivar_intensity_compare_obs |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.censor_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.conv_radius |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.conv_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.filter_attr_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.filter_attr_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.merge_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.merge_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.multivar_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.multivar_level |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.censor_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.conv_radius |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.conv_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.filter_attr_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.filter_attr_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.merge_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.merge_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.multivar_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.multivar_level |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask_missing_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
match_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
max_centroid_dist |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
mask.grid_flag |
mask.poly |
mask.poly_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
weight.centroid_dist |
weight.boundary_dist |
weight.convex_hull_dist |
weight.angle_diff |
weight.aspect_diff |
weight.area_ratio |
weight.int_area_ratio |
weight.curvature_ratio |
weight.complexity_ratio |
weight.inten_perc_ratio |
weight.inten_perc_value |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interest_function.centroid_dist |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interest_function.boundary_dist |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interest_function.convex_hull_dist |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
total_interest_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ps_plot_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_pairs_flag.latlon |
nc_pairs_flag.raw |
nc_pairs_flag.object_raw |
nc_pairs_flag.object_id |
nc_pairs_flag.cluster_id |
nc_pairs_flag.polylines |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ct_stats_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
time_offset_warning |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.16. MTD
6.16.1. Description
Used to configure the MET MODE Time Domain tool mtd. This tools follows objects through time and can also be used to track objects.
6.16.2. METplus Configuration
6.16.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/MTDConfig_wrapped
// MODE Time Domain configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// Output model name to be written
//model =
// Output description to be written
//desc =
// Output observation type to be written
//obtype =
// Verification grid
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
//regrid = {
// Approximate grid resolution (km)
grid_res = 4;
// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {
//field = {
censor_thresh = [];
censor_val = [];
conv_time_window = { beg = -1; end = 1; };
//conv_radius =
//conv_thresh =
obs = {
//field = {
censor_thresh = [];
censor_val = [];
conv_time_window = { beg = -1; end = 1; };
//conv_radius =
//conv_thresh =
// Intensity percentile value to be written
inten_perc_value = 99;
// Throw away 3D objects with volumes smaller than this
//min_volume =
// Fuzzy engine weights
weight = {
space_centroid_dist = 1.0;
time_centroid_delta = 1.0;
speed_delta = 1.0;
direction_diff = 1.0;
volume_ratio = 1.0;
axis_angle_diff = 1.0;
start_time_delta = 1.0;
end_time_delta = 1.0;
// Fuzzy engine interest functions
interest_function = {
space_centroid_dist = (
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 50.0, 0.5 )
( 100.0, 0.0 )
time_centroid_delta = (
( -3.0, 0.0 )
( -2.0, 0.5 )
( -1.0, 0.8 )
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 1.0, 0.8 )
( 2.0, 0.5 )
( 3.0, 0.0 )
speed_delta = (
( -10.0, 0.0 )
( -5.0, 0.5 )
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 5.0, 0.5 )
( 10.0, 0.0 )
direction_diff = (
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 90.0, 0.0 )
( 180.0, 0.0 )
volume_ratio = (
( 0.0, 0.0 )
( 0.5, 0.5 )
( 1.0, 1.0 )
( 1.5, 0.5 )
( 2.0, 0.0 )
axis_angle_diff = (
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 30.0, 1.0 )
( 90.0, 0.0 )
start_time_delta = (
( -5.0, 0.0 )
( -3.0, 0.5 )
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 3.0, 0.5 )
( 5.0, 0.0 )
end_time_delta = (
( -5.0, 0.0 )
( -3.0, 0.5 )
( 0.0, 1.0 )
( 3.0, 0.5 )
( 5.0, 0.0 )
} // interest functions
// Total interest threshold for determining matches
total_interest_thresh = 0.7;
// Output flags
nc_output = {
latlon = true;
raw = true;
object_id = true;
cluster_id = true;
txt_output = {
attributes_2d = true;
attributes_3d = true;
//output_prefix =
//version = "V9.0";
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.conv_radius |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.conv_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.conv_radius |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.conv_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
min_volume |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_prefix |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.17. PB2NC
6.17.1. Description
The PB2NC wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the behavior of the MET pb2nc tool to convert prepBUFR files into netCDF.
6.17.2. METplus Configuration
6.17.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/PB2NCConfig_wrapped
// PB2NC configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// PrepBufr message type
//message_type = [
// Mapping of message type group name to comma-separated list of values
// Derive PRMSL only for SURFACE message types
message_type_group_map = [
{ key = "SURFACE"; val = "ADPSFC,SFCSHP,MSONET"; },
{ key = "ANYAIR"; val = "AIRCAR,AIRCFT"; },
{ key = "ONLYSF"; val = "ADPSFC,SFCSHP"; }
// Mapping of input PrepBufr message types to output message types
message_type_map = [];
// PrepBufr station ID
//station_id = [
// Observation time window
//obs_window = {
// Observation retention regions
//mask = {
// Observing location elevation
elevation_range = {
beg = -1000;
end = 100000;
// Observation types
//pb_report_type =
in_report_type = [];
instrument_type = [];
// Vertical levels to retain
//level_range = {
//level_category =
// BUFR variable names to retain or derive.
// If emtpy, process all available variables.
//obs_bufr_var = [
// Mapping of BUFR variable name to GRIB name. The default map is defined at
// obs_prepbufr_map. This replaces/expends the default map.
//obs_bufr_map =
// This map is for PREPBUFR. It will be added into obs_bufr_map.
// Please do not override this map.
//obs_prepbufr_map =
//quality_mark_thresh =
event_stack_flag = TOP;
// Time periods for the summarization
//time_summary = {
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
//version = "V9.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
station_id |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_window.beg |
obs_window.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
mask.poly |
Since the default value in the MET config file for ‘grid’ is grid = [ “FULL” ];, setting GRID_STAT_MASK_GRID to an empty string will result in a value of grid = []; in the MET config file.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
pb_report_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
level_range.beg |
level_range.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
level_category |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_bufr_var |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_bufr_map |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
quality_mark_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
time_summary.flag |
time_summary.raw_data |
time_summary.beg |
time_summary.end |
time_summary.step |
time_summary.width |
time_summary.grib_code |
time_summary.obs_var |
time_summary.type |
time_summary.vld_freq |
time_summary.vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.18. PCPCombine
6.18.1. Description
The PCPCombine wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET PCPCombine tool. It provides the infrastructure to combine or extract from files to build desired accumulations.
PCPCombine wrapper can be configured to process forecast and/or observation data. Setting FCST_PCP_COMBINE_RUN = True will process forecast data and setting OBS_PCP_COMBINE_RUN = True will process observation data.
PCPCombine wrapper can be configured to build a command for the sum, add, subtract, and derive methods using FCST_PCP_COMBINE_METHOD and/or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_METHOD. Each method executes logic to gather the desired input files to build the command based on specific examples. Accumulations
The desired accumulation to build is defined using FCST_PCP_COMBINE_OUTPUT_ACCUM or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_OUTPUT_ACCUM. The default units are hours unless otherwise specified. The output field name can be set explicitly using FCST_PCP_COMBINE_OUTPUT_NAME or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_OUTPUT_NAME.
For the ADD and DERIVE methods, the input accumulation(s) can be specified using FCST_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_ACCUMS or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_ACCUMS. The default units are hours unless otherwise specified. This can be a list of accumulation amounts in order of preference. If the remaining accumulation needed to build the desired accumulation is less than the first accumulation, then the next value in the list will be used. The name and level of the field to read for each input accumulation can be specified with FCST_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_NAMES/FCST_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_LEVELS or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_NAMES/OBS_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_LEVELS. These lists must be the same length as FCST_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_ACCUMS or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_ACCUMS. Constant Initialization Time
For the ADD and DERIVE methods, FCST_PCP_COMBINE_CONSTANT_INIT or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_CONSTANT_INIT can be set to True to gather input files that all contain the same initialization time. User-Defined Commands
There are many ways to utilize PCPCombine that may not align with the logic used to gather files. If this is the case, then the method can be set to USER_DEFINED and the explicit command arguments can be specified using FCST_PCP_COMBINE_COMMAND or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_COMMAND. Other METplus configuration variables and filename template tags can be referenced in the explicit command. Note that the path to the pcp_combine executable and the output path should not be included in the command value. The output path is controlled by FCST_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_TEMPLATE/FCST_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_DIR or OBS_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_TEMPLATE/OBS_PCP_COMBINE_INPUT_DIR and will automatically be added to the end of the command.
6.18.2. METplus Configuration
6.19. PlotDataPlane
6.19.1. Description
The PlotDataPlane wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET plot_data_plane tool. It provides the infrastructure to read in any input that MET can read and plot them. This tool is often used to verify that the data is mapped to the correct grid location.
6.19.2. Configuration
6.20. PlotPointObs
6.20.1. Description
The PlotPointObs wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET plot_point_obs tool. It provides the infrastructure to read in any input that MET can read and plot them.
6.20.2. Configuration
6.20.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/PlotPointObsConfig_wrapped
// Plot-Point-Obs configuration file.
// For additional information, please see the MET Users Guide.
// Gridded data plotting options
//grid_data = {
// Point data filtering options
// May be set separately in each "point_data" entry
//msg_typ =
//sid_inc =
//sid_exc =
//obs_var =
//obs_gc =
//obs_quality =
//valid_beg =
//valid_end =
//lat_thresh =
//lon_thresh =
//elv_thresh =
//hgt_thresh =
//prs_thresh =
//obs_thresh =
// Point data pre-processing options
// May be set separately in each "point_data" entry
//convert(x) = x;
//censor_thresh =
//censor_val =
// Point data plotting options
// May be set separately in each "point_data" entry
//dotsize =
//line_color =
//line_width =
//fill_color =
//fill_plot_info = {
// Array of point data filtering, pre-processing, and plotting options
//point_data =
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
grid_data.field |
grid_data.regrid.to_grid |
grid_data.regrid.method |
grid_data.regrid.width |
grid_data.regrid.vld_thresh |
grid_data.regrid.shape |
grid_data.grid_plot_info.color_table |
grid_data.grid_plot_info.plot_min |
grid_data.grid_plot_info.plot_max |
grid_data.grid_plot_info.colorbar_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
msg_typ |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
sid_inc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
sid_exc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_var |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_gc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_quality |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
lat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
lon_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
elv_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
hgt_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
prs_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
dotsize |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
line_color |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
line_width |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fill_color |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fill_plot_info.flag |
fill_plot_info.color_table |
fill_plot_info.plot_min |
fill_plot_info.plot_max |
fill_plot_info.colorbar_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
point_data |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.cat_thresh |
6.21. Point2Grid
6.21.1. Description
The Point2Grid wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET point2grid tool. It provides the infrastructure to read in point observations and place them on a grid
6.21.2. METplus Configuration
6.21.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/Point2GridConfig_wrapped
// Point2Grid configuration file.
// For additional information, please see the MET User's Guide.
// NetCDF output variable timing information:
// - valid_time in YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]] format
//valid_time =
// Observation time window
//obs_window = {
// Observation message type
//message_type = [
// Mapping of input variable names to output variables names.
//var_name_map = [
//obs_quality_inc = [
//obs_quality_exc = [
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
//version = "V12.0.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config ${METPLUS_VALID_TIME}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_window.beg |
obs_window.end | ${METPLUS_MESSAGE_TYPE}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type | ${METPLUS_VAR_NAME_MAP_LIST}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
var_name_map.key |
var_name_map.val | ${METPLUS_OBS_QUALITY_INC}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_quality_inc | ${METPLUS_OBS_QUALITY_EXC}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_quality_exc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.22. PointStat
6.22.1. Description
The PointStat wrapper is a Python script that encapsulates the MET point_stat tool. It provides the infrastructure to read in gridded model data and netCDF point observation data to perform grid-to-point (grid-to-obs) verification.
6.22.2. Configuration
6.22.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/PointStatConfig_wrapped
// Point-Stat configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// Output model name to be written
// model =
// Output description to be written
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
// desc =
// Verification grid
// regrid = {
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
censor_thresh = [];
censor_val = [];
cat_thresh = [ NA ];
cnt_thresh = [ NA ];
cnt_logic = UNION;
wind_thresh = [ NA ];
wind_logic = UNION;
eclv_points = 0.05;
//hss_ec_value =
rank_corr_flag = FALSE;
// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {
//field = [
obs = {
//field = [
// Point observation filtering options
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
// message_type =
sid_exc = [];
//obs_quality_inc =
//obs_quality_exc =
//duplicate_flag =
//obs_summary =
//obs_perc_value =
// Mapping of message type group name to comma-separated list of values.
//message_type_group_map =
//obtype_as_group_val_flag =
// Climatology data
//climo_mean = {
//climo_stdev = {
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
//climo_cdf = {
// Land/Sea mask
// For LANDSF message types, only use forecast grid points where land = TRUE.
// For WATERSF message types, only use forecast grid points where land = FALSE.
// land_mask.flag may be set separately in each "obs.field" entry.
//land_mask = {
// Topography
// For SURFACE message types, only use observations where the topo - station
// elevation difference meets the use_obs_thresh threshold.
// For the observations kept, when interpolating forecast data to the
// observation location, only use forecast grid points where the topo - station
// difference meets the interp_fcst_thresh threshold.
// topo_mask.flag may be set separately in each "obs.field" entry.
//topo_mask = {
// Point observation time window
// obs_window = {
// Verification masking regions
//mask = {
// Confidence interval settings
ci_alpha = [ 0.05 ];
boot = {
interval = PCTILE;
rep_prop = 1.0;
n_rep = 0;
rng = "mt19937";
seed = "";
// Interpolation methods
//interp = {
// HiRA verification method
//hira = {
// Threshold for SEEPS p1 (Probability of being dry)
//seeps_p1_thresh =
// Statistical output types
//output_flag = {
//ugrid_dataset =
//ugrid_max_distance_km =
//ugrid_coordinates_file =
//point_weight_flag =
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
// output_prefix =
//version = "V10.0.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
hss_ec_value |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_mean.file_name |
fcst.climo_mean.field |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_mean.day_interval |
fcst.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_stdev.file_name |
fcst.climo_stdev.field |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_stdev.day_interval |
fcst.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.field.name |
obs.field.level |
obs.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_mean.file_name |
obs.climo_mean.field |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.method |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.width |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_mean.day_interval |
obs.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_stdev.file_name |
obs.climo_stdev.field |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_stdev.day_interval |
obs.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_quality_inc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_quality_exc | ${METPLUS_DUPLICATE_FLAG}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
duplicate_flag | ${METPLUS_OBS_SUMMARY}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_summary | ${METPLUS_OBS_PERC_VALUE}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_perc_value |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
message_type_group_map | ${METPLUS_OBTYPE_AS_GROUP_VAL_FLAG}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype_as_group_val_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_mean.file_name |
climo_mean.field |
climo_mean.regrid.method |
climo_mean.regrid.width |
climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_mean.regrid.shape |
climo_mean.time_interp_method |
climo_mean.match_month |
climo_mean.day_interval |
climo_mean.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_stdev.file_name |
climo_stdev.field |
climo_stdev.regrid.method |
climo_stdev.regrid.width |
climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
climo_stdev.match_month |
climo_stdev.day_interval |
climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_cdf.cdf_bins |
climo_cdf.center_bins |
climo_cdf.write_bins |
climo_cdf.direct_prob | ${METPLUS_LAND_MASK_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
land_mask.flag |
land_mask.file_name |
land_mask.field.name |
land_mask.field.level |
land_mask.regrid.method |
land_mask.regrid.width |
land_mask.thresh | ${METPLUS_TOPO_MASK_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
topo_mask.flag |
topo_mask.file_name |
topo_mask.field.name |
topo_mask.field.level |
topo_mask.regrid.method |
topo_mask.regrid.width |
topo_mask.use_obs_thresh |
topo_mask.interp_fcst_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_window.beg |
obs_window.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
mask.poly |
mask.sid |
mask.llpnt |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interp.vld_thresh |
interp.shape |
interp.type.method |
interp.type.width |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
hira.flag |
hira.width |
hira.vld_thresh |
hira.cov_thresh |
hira.shape |
hira.prob_cat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
seeps_p1_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_flag.fho |
output_flag.ctc |
output_flag.cts |
output_flag.mctc |
output_flag.mcts |
output_flag.cnt |
output_flag.sl1l2 |
output_flag.sal1l2 |
output_flag.vl1l2 |
output_flag.val1l2 |
output_flag.vcnt |
output_flag.pct |
output_flag.pstd |
output_flag.pjc |
output_flag.prc |
output_flag.ecnt |
output_flag.orank |
output_flag.rps |
output_flag.eclv |
output_flag.mpr |
output_flag.seeps |
output_flag.seeps_mpr | ${METPLUS_UGRID_DATASET}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ugrid_max_distance_km | ${METPLUS_UGRID_COORDINATES_FILE}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ugrid_coordinates_file |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_prefix | ${METPLUS_POINT_WEIGHT_FLAG}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
point_weight_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.23. PyEmbedIngest
6.23.1. Description
Used to configure the PyEmbedIngest wrapper that runs RegridDataPlane to convert data using python embedding scripts into NetCDF so it can be read by the MET tools.
6.23.2. METplus Configuration
6.24. RegridDataPlane
6.24.1. Description
Used to configure the MET tool regrid_data_plane which can be used to change projections of a grid with user configurable interpolation choices. It can also be used to convert GRIB1 and GRIB2 files into netcdf files if desired.
6.24.2. METplus Configuration
6.25. SeriesAnalysis
6.25.1. Description
The SeriesAnalysis wrapper is used to find files and build a command that calls the MET tool SeriesAnalysis. It can be configured to process ranges of inputs, i.e. once for all files, once for each forecast lead (using , once for a group of forecast leads, once for each initialization time, etc. with the SERIES_ANALYSIS_RUNTIME_FREQ variable. Optionally, a .tcst file generated by TCStat can be provided to allow filtering by storm ID (see SERIES_ANALYSIS_RUN_ONCE_PER_STORM_ID). Images of the output data can also optionally be generated as well as animated gif images (See SERIES_ANALYSIS_GENERATE_PLOTS and SERIES_ANALYSIS_GENERATE_ANIMATIONS)
6.25.2. METplus Configuration
6.25.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/SeriesAnalysisConfig_wrapped
// Series-Analysis configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// Output model name to be written
//model =
// Output description to be written
//desc =
// Output observation type to be written
//obtype =
// Verification grid
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
//regrid = {
censor_thresh = [];
censor_val = [];
//cat_thresh =
cnt_thresh = [ NA ];
cnt_logic = UNION;
// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {
//field = [
obs = {
//field = [
// Climatology data
//climo_mean = {
//climo_stdev = {
//climo_cdf = {
// Confidence interval settings
ci_alpha = [ 0.05 ];
boot = {
interval = PCTILE;
rep_prop = 1.0;
n_rep = 0;
rng = "mt19937";
seed = "";
// Verification masking regions
//mask = {
// Number of grid points to be processed concurrently. Set smaller to use
// less memory but increase the number of passes through the data.
//block_size =
// Ratio of valid matched pairs to compute statistics for a grid point
//vld_thresh =
// Statistical output types
//output_stats = {
//hss_ec_value =
rank_corr_flag = FALSE;
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
//version = "V10.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.to_grid |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
cat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.cat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the forecast field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_mean.file_name |
fcst.climo_mean.field |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_mean.day_interval |
fcst.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_FCST_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.climo_stdev.file_name |
fcst.climo_stdev.field |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
fcst.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
fcst.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
fcst.climo_stdev.day_interval |
fcst.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.cat_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst.field.name |
fcst.field.level |
fcst.field.cat_thresh |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the observation field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide. ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_MEAN_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_mean.file_name |
obs.climo_mean.field |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.method |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.width |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_mean.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_mean.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_mean.day_interval |
obs.climo_mean.hour_interval | ${METPLUS_OBS_CLIMO_STDEV_DICT}
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs.climo_stdev.file_name |
obs.climo_stdev.field |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.method |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.width |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
obs.climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
obs.climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
obs.climo_stdev.day_interval |
obs.climo_stdev.hour_interval |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_mean.file_name |
climo_mean.field |
climo_mean.regrid.method |
climo_mean.regrid.width |
climo_mean.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_mean.regrid.shape |
climo_mean.time_interp_method |
climo_mean.match_month |
climo_mean.day_interval |
climo_mean.hour_interval |
climo_mean.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_stdev.file_name |
climo_stdev.field |
climo_stdev.regrid.method |
climo_stdev.regrid.width |
climo_stdev.regrid.vld_thresh |
climo_stdev.regrid.shape |
climo_stdev.time_interp_method |
climo_stdev.match_month |
climo_stdev.day_interval |
climo_stdev.hour_interval |
climo_stdev.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
climo_cdf.cdf_bins |
climo_cdf.center_bins |
climo_cdf.direct_prob |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
mask.grid |
mask.poly |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
block_size |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
vld_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_stats.fho |
output_stats.ctc |
output_stats.cts |
output_stats.mctc |
output_stats.mcts |
output_stats.cnt |
output_stats.sl1l2 |
output_stats.sal1l2 |
output_stats.pct |
output_stats.pstd |
output_stats.pjc |
output_stats.prc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
time_offset_warning |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.26. SeriesByInit
6.26.1. Description
This tool has been DEPRECATED. Please use SeriesAnalysis wrapper
6.27. SeriesByLead
6.27.1. Description
This tool has been DEPRECATED. Please use SeriesAnalysis wrapper
6.28. StatAnalysis
6.28.1. Description
The StatAnalysis wrapper encapsulates the behavior of the MET stat_analysis tool. It provides the infrastructure to summarize and filter the MET .stat files. Timing
This wrapper is configured differently than many of the other wrappers that loop over multiple run times. The StatAnalysis wrapper is designed to process a range of run times at once using filtering to subset what is processed. The VALID_BEG and VALID_END or INIT_BEG and INIT_END variables are used to calculate filtering criteria.
Prior to v5.0.0, only the year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD) of the init/valid begin and end times were read by the wrapper. The hours, minutes, and seconds were ignored to be filtered using FCST_HOUR_LIST and OBS_HOUR_LIST. Now the full time information is read and to enable users to process a more specific range of time. To preserve the original behavior, end times that do not include hours, minutes, or seconds will process up to 23:59:59 on that day unless specific hours are defined with FCST_HOUR_LIST or OBS_HOUR_LIST.
Note: The LEAD_SEQ variable that typically defines a list of forecast leads to process is not used by the wrapper. Instead the FCST_LEAD_LIST and OBS_LEAD_LIST are used to filter out forecast leads from the data. Optional MET Configuration File
The wrapped MET config file specified with STAT_ANALYSIS_CONFIG_FILE is optional in the StatAnalysis wrapper. Excluding this option will result in a call to stat_analysis with the job arguments added via the command line. Only 1 job can be defined in no wrapped MET configuration file is used. To use a configuration file, set the following in the METplus config file:
STAT_ANALYSIS_CONFIG_FILE = {PARM_BASE}/met_config/STATAnalysisConfig_wrapped Jobs
The job arguments can be defined by setting STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB<n> variables, e.g. STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB1. All of the job commands including the -job argument are set here. Prior to v5.0.0, the config variables STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB_NAME and STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB_ARGS were used to set the value following the -job argument and any other job arguments respectively.
Multiple jobs can be defined as of v5.0.0 using STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB1, STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB2, etc. All jobs will be passed to each call to stat_analysis. Only 1 job can be specified if no MET config file is set with STAT_ANALYSIS_CONFIG_FILE. Filtering with Lists
There are many configuration variables that end with _LIST that control settings in the STATAnalysisConfig_wrapped file. For example, MODEL_LIST controls the model variable in the MET config file and FCST_LEAD_LIST controls the fcst_lead variable. The value for each of these _LIST variables can be a list of values separated by comma. The value of GROUP_LIST_ITEMS is a comma-separated list of _LIST variable names that will be grouped together for each call to stat_analysis. The value of LOOP_LIST_ITEMS is a comma-separated list of _LIST variable names that will be looped over to create multiple calls to stat_analysis. The tool will be called with every combination of the LOOP_LIST_ITEMS list values. List variables that are not included in either GROUP_LIST_ITEMS or LOOP_LIST_ITEMS will be automatically added to GROUP_LIST_ITEMS. Lists defined in LOOP_LIST_ITEMS that are empty lists will be automatically moved to GROUP_LIST_ITEMS. Looping Over Groups of Lists
New in v5.0.0 is the ability to define groups of list items that can be looped over. For example, a user may want to process forecast leads 1-3 in a single run, then process forecast leads 4-6 in the next. To accomplish this, define each group of items in a separate config variable ending with a number. Then add the name of the list (without the numbers) to LOOP_LIST_ITEMS:
If FCST_LEAD_LIST was added to GROUP_LIST_ITEMS instead, then all 6 items defined in the 2 lists will be combined and passed to the tool at once. Filtering Begin and End Times
Starting in v5.0.0, the [fcst/obs]_[init/valid]_[beg/end] in the wrapped MET config file can be set using the corresponding METplus config variables. The values can include the filename template tags that are supported in the wrapper (see Additional Filename Template Tags). For example, to set the fcst_valid_beg value:
VALID_BEG = 20221014
STAT_ANALYSIS_FCST_VALID_BEG = {fcst_valid_beg?fmt=%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}
This will set fcst_valid_beg = “20221014_000000”; in the MET config file.
Prior to v5.0.0, settings hour values in [FCST/OBS]_[INIT/VALID]_HOUR_LIST would result in the corresponding _beg and _end values in the wrapped MET config file to be set based on the hours and the [INIT/VALID]_[BEG/END] values. Outputs
This wrapper can be configured to write 3 types of output files. Output files specified with the -out command line argument can be defined by setting STAT_ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE and optionally STAT_ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR. Output files specified with the -dump_row or -out_stat arguments must be defined in a job using STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB<n>. The [dump_row_file] keyword can be added to a job after the -dump_row argument only if a MODEL<n>_STAT_ANALYSIS_DUMP_ROW_TEMPLATE is set. Similarly, the [out_stat_file] keyword can be added to a job after the -out_stat argument only if a MODEL<n>_STAT_ANALYSIS_OUT_STAT_TEMPLATE is set.
6.28.2. METplus Configuration
The following values must be defined in the METplus configuration file:
The following values are optional in the METplus configuration file:
6.28.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/STATAnalysisConfig_wrapped
// STAT-Analysis configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.
// Filtering input STAT lines by the contents of each column
//model = [
//desc = [
//fcst_lead = [
//obs_lead = [
//fcst_valid_beg =
//fcst_valid_end =
fcst_valid_inc = [];
fcst_valid_exc = [];
//fcst_valid_hour = [
//obs_valid_beg =
//obs_valid_end =
obs_valid_inc = [];
obs_valid_exc = [];
//obs_valid_hour = [
//fcst_init_beg =
//fcst_init_end =
fcst_init_inc = [];
fcst_init_exc = [];
//fcst_init_hour = [
//obs_init_beg =
//obs_init_end =
obs_init_inc = [];
obs_init_exc = [];
//obs_init_hour = [
//fcst_var = [
//obs_var = [
//fcst_units = [
//obs_units = [
//fcst_lev = [
//obs_lev = [
//obtype = [
//vx_mask = [
//interp_mthd = [
//interp_pnts = [
//fcst_thresh = [
//obs_thresh = [
//cov_thresh = [
//alpha = [
//line_type = [
column = [];
weight = [];
// Array of STAT-Analysis jobs to be performed on the filtered data
//jobs = [
// Confidence interval settings
out_alpha = 0.05;
boot = {
interval = PCTILE;
rep_prop = 1.0;
n_rep = 0;
rng = "mt19937";
seed = "";
// WMO mean computation logic
wmo_sqrt_stats = [ "CNT:FSTDEV", "CNT:OSTDEV", "CNT:ESTDEV",
wmo_fisher_stats = [ "CNT:PR_CORR", "CNT:SP_CORR",
//hss_ec_value =
rank_corr_flag = FALSE;
vif_flag = FALSE;
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
//version = "V10.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_lead |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_lead |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_valid_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_valid_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_valid_hour |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_valid_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_valid_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_valid_hour |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_init_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_init_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_init_hour |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_init_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_init_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_init_hour |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_var |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_var |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_units |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_units |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_lev |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_lev |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obtype |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
vx_mask |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interp_mthd |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
interp_pnts |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
obs_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
cov_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
alpha |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
line_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
jobs |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
hss_ec_value |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.29. TCDiag
6.29.1. Description
The TC-Diag wrapper encapsulates the behavior of the MET tc_diag tool. It provides the infrastructure to compute diagnostics from model fields and tracks. It can be configured to run over a single intialization time, all of the initialization times for a given storm, or over many storms. Configuration also allows a user to select which domain(s) of the input model data to use in the diagnostics calculations, set which levels and variables will be used as well as details about the azimuth-range grid used for the calculations, and to control which output files are generated. Future functionality of the tc_diag tool, such as vortex removal, will also be configurable from this wrapper.
6.29.2. METplus Configuration
6.29.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/TCDiagConfig_wrapped
// TC-Diag configuration file.
// For additional information, please see the MET Users Guide.
// Filter input track data lines.
// Model
//model =
// Storm identifier
//storm_id =
// Basin
//basin =
// Cyclone number
//cyclone =
// Model initialization time
//init_inc =
// Subset by the valid time
//valid_beg =
//valid_end =
//valid_inc =
//valid_exc =
// Subset by the valid hour and lead time.
//valid_hour =
//lead =
// Python diagnostic scripts to be run
// May be set separately in each "domain_info" entry
//diag_script =
// Domain-specific cylindrical coordinate transformation
//domain_info = {
// Cylindrical coordinate transformation regridding options
// May be set separately in each diag_data "field" entry
//regrid = {
// Data fields
// censor_thresh, censor_val, and convert(x) may be set separately
// in each data "field" array entry
data = {
// If empty, the field is processed for all domains
//domain = [];
// Pressure levels to be used, unless overridden below
//level =
//field = [
// Optionally convert u/v winds to tangential/radial winds
//compute_tangential_and_radial_winds =
//u_wind_field_name =
//v_wind_field_name =
//tangential_velocity_field_name =
//tangential_velocity_long_field_name =
//radial_velocity_field_name =
//radial_velocity_long_field_name =
// Vortex removal flag
//vortex_removal =
//one_time_per_file_flag =
// Flags to control output files
//nc_cyl_grid_flag =
//nc_diag_flag =
//cira_diag_flag =
// Output base file naming convention
//output_base_format =
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
//version = "V11.1.0";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
storm_id |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
basin |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
cyclone |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_inc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_inc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_exc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_hour |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
lead |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
diag_script |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
domain_info.domain |
domain_info.n_range |
domain_info.n_azimuth |
domain_info.delta_range_km |
domain_info.diag_script |
domain_info.override_diags |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
data.file_type |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
data.domain |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
data.level |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
data.field.name |
data.field.level |
n/a |
For more information on controlling the field attributes in METplus, please see the Field Info section of the User’s Guide.
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
regrid.shape |
regrid.method |
regrid.width |
regrid.vld_thresh |
regrid.convert |
regrid.censor_thresh |
regrid.censor_val |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
compute_tangential_and_radial_winds |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
u_wind_field_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
v_wind_field_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
tangential_velocity_field_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
tangential_velocity_long_field_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
radial_velocity_field_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
radial_velocity_long_field_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
vortex_removal |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
one_time_per_file_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_cyl_grid_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_diag_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
cira_diag_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_base_format |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.30. TCGen
6.30.1. Description
The TCGen wrapper encapsulates the behavior of the MET tc_gen tool. The wrapper accepts track (Adeck or Bdeck) data and Genesis data.
6.30.2. METplus Configuration
6.30.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/TCGenConfig_wrapped
// TC-Gen configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README_TC file.
// ATCF file format reference:
// http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abrdeck.html
// Genesis event definition criteria.
// Model initialization frequency in hours, starting at 0.
// init_freq =
// Valid hour frequency to be analyzed in hours, starting at 0
// valid_freq =
// Forecast hours to be searched for genesis events
// fcst_hr_window =
// Minimum track duration for genesis event in hours.
// min_duration =
// Forecast genesis event criteria. Defined as tracks reaching the specified
// intensity category, maximum wind speed threshold, and minimum sea-level
// pressure threshold. The forecast genesis time is the valid time of the first
// track point where all of these criteria are met.
// fcst_genesis =
// BEST track genesis event criteria. Defined as tracks reaching the specified
// intensity category, maximum wind speed threshold, and minimum sea-level
// pressure threshold. The BEST track genesis time is the valid time of the
// first track point where all of these criteria are met.
// best_genesis =
// Operational track technique name
// oper_technique =
// Track filtering options
// May be specified separately in each filter array entry.
// Array of dictionaries containing the track filtering options
// If empty, a single filter is defined using the top-level settings.
// filter =
// Description written to output DESC column
// desc =
// Forecast ATCF ID's
// If empty, all ATCF ID's found will be processed.
// Statistics will be generated separately for each ATCF ID.
// model =
// BEST and operational track storm identifiers
// storm_id =
// BEST and operational track storm names
// storm_name =
// Forecast and operational initialization times to include or exclude
// init_beg =
// init_end =
// init_inc =
// init_exc =
// Forecast, BEST, and operational valid time window
// valid_beg =
// valid_end =
// Forecast and operational initialization hours
// init_hour =
// Forecast and operational lead times in hours
// lead =
// Spatial masking region (path to gridded data file or polyline file)
// vx_mask =
// Spatial masking of hurricane basin names from the basin_file
// basin_mask =
// Distance to land threshold
//dland_thresh =
// Matching and scoring options
// May be specified separately in each filter array entry.
// Genesis matching logic. Compare the forecast genesis point to all points in
// the Best track (TRUE) or the single Best track genesis point (FALSE).
//genesis_match_point_to_track =
// Radius in km to search for a matching genesis event
// genesis_match_radius =
// Time window in hours, relative to the model genesis time, to search for a
// matching Best track point
//genesis_match_window = {
// Radius in km for a development scoring method hit
// dev_hit_radius =
// Time window in hours for a development scoring method hit
// dev_hit_window =
// Time window in hours for the Best track genesis minus model initialization
// time difference for an operational scoring method hit
//ops_hit_window = {
// Discard genesis forecasts for initializations at or after the matching
// BEST track genesis time
// discard_init_post_genesis_flag =
// Scoring methods to be applied
//dev_method_flag =
// ops_method_flag =
// Output options
// May be specified separately in each filter array entry.
// Confidence interval alpha value
// ci_alpha =
// Statistical output types
// output_flag =
// NetCDF genesis pair counts
// nc_pairs_flag =
// Specify which track points should be counted by thresholding the track point
// valid time minus genesis time difference.
// valid_minus_genesis_diff_thresh =
// Count unique BEST track genesis event locations (TRUE) versus counting the
// location for all pairs (FALSE).
// best_unique_flag =
// Global settings
// May only be specified once.
// Specify the NetCDF output of the gen_dland tool containing a gridded
// representation of the minimum distance to land.
// dland_file =
// Specify the NetCDF file containing a gridded representation of the
// global basins.
// basin_file =
// NetCDF genesis pairs grid
// nc_pairs_grid =
// Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file.
// The value should generally not be modified.
//version = "V10.0.0";
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_freq |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_freq |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_hr_window.beg |
fcst_hr_window.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
min_duration |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
fcst_genesis.vmax_thresh |
fcst_genesis.mslp_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
best_genesis.technique |
best_genesis.category |
best_genesis.vmax_thresh |
best_genesis.mslp_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
oper_technique |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
filter |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
storm_id |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
storm_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_inc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_exc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_hour |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
lead |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
vx_mask |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
basin_mask |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
dland_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
genesis_match_point_to_track |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
genesis_match_radius |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
genesis_match_window.beg |
genesis_match_window.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
dev_hit_radius |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
dev_hit_window.beg |
dev_hit_window.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ops_hit_window.beg |
ops_hit_window.end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
discard_init_post_genesis_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
dev_method_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ops_method_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
ci_alpha |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
output_flag.fho |
output_flag.ctc |
output_flag.cts |
output_flag.pct |
output_flag.pstd |
output_flag.pjc |
output_flag.prc |
output_flag.genmpr |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_pairs_flag.latlon |
nc_pairs_flag.fcst_genesis |
nc_pairs_flag.fcst_tracks |
nc_pairs_flag.fcst_fy_oy |
nc_pairs_flag.fcst_fy_on |
nc_pairs_flag.best_genesis |
nc_pairs_flag.best_tracks |
nc_pairs_flag.best_fy_oy |
nc_pairs_flag.best_fn_oy |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
valid_minus_genesis_diff_thresh |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
best_unique_flag |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
dland_file |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
basin_file |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
nc_pairs_grid |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
n/a |
6.31. TCMPRPlotter
This wrapper was removed in v6.0.0
6.32. TCPairs
6.32.1. Description
The TCPairs wrapper encapsulates the behavior of the MET tc_pairs tool. The wrapper accepts Adeck and Bdeck (Best track) cyclone track data in extra tropical cyclone format (such as the data used by sample data provided in the METplus tutorial), or ATCF formatted track data. If data is in an extra tropical cyclone (non-ATCF) format, the data is reformatted into an ATCF format that is recognized by MET.
6.32.2. METplus Configuration
6.32.3. MET Configuration
Below is the wrapped MET configuration file used for this wrapper. Environment variables are used to control entries in this configuration file. The default value for each environment variable is obtained from (except where noted below):
Below the file contents are descriptions of each environment variable referenced in this file and the corresponding METplus configuration item used to set the value of the environment variable. For detailed examples showing how METplus sets the values of these environment variables, see How METplus controls MET config file settings.
Click to view parm/met_config/TCPairsConfig_wrapped
// Default TCPairs configuration file
// ATCF file format reference:
// http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abrdeck.html
// Models
//model = [
// Description
//desc =
// Storm identifiers
//storm_id = [
// Basins
//basin = [
// Cyclone numbers
//cyclone = [
// Storm names
//storm_name = [
// Model initialization time windows to include or exclude
//init_beg =
//init_end =
// init_inc = [
// init_exc = [
// Valid model time windows to include or exclude
//valid_beg =
//valid_end =
// valid_inc = [
// valid_exc = [
// write_valid =
// Model initialization hours
init_hour = [];
// Required lead time in hours
lead_req = [];
// lat/lon polylines defining masking regions
init_mask = "";
valid_mask = "";
// Specify if the code should check for duplicate ATCF lines
//check_dup =
// Specify special processing to be performed for interpolated models.
// Set to NONE, FILL, or REPLACE.
//interp12 =
// Specify how consensus forecasts should be defined
//consensus =
// Forecast lag times
lag_time = [];
// CLIPER/SHIFOR baseline forecasts to be derived from the BEST
// and operational (CARQ) tracks.
best_technique = [ "BEST" ];
best_baseline = [];
oper_technique = [ "CARQ" ];
oper_baseline = [];
// Specify the datasets to be searched for analysis tracks (NONE, ADECK, BDECK,
// or BOTH).
anly_track = BDECK;
// Specify if only those track points common to both the ADECK and BDECK
// tracks be written out.
//match_points =
// Specify the NetCDF output of the gen_dland tool containing a gridded
// representation of the minimum distance to land.
//dland_file =
// Specify watch/warning information:
// - Input watch/warning filename
// - Watch/warning time offset in seconds
watch_warn = {
file_name = "MET_BASE/tc_data/wwpts_us.txt";
time_offset = -14400;
//diag_info_map = {
//diag_convert_map = {
// Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file.
// The value should generally not be modified.
//version = "V9.0";
tmp_dir = "${MET_TMP_DIR}";
${METPLUS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES} Environment variables in wrapped MET config
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
model |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
desc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
storm_id |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
basin |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
cyclone |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
storm_name |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_beg |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_end |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_inc |
METplus Config(s) |
MET Config File |
init_exc |