7.2. Model Applications
7.2.1. Air Quality and Composition
Data related to all areas of atmospheric composition, including ozone, smoke, dust, AOD and PM2.5
EnsembleStat: Using Python Embedding for Aerosol Optical Depth
7.2.2. Climate
Average long range earth system predictions
MODE: CESM and GPCP Asian Monsoon Precipitation
Grid-Stat: CESM and GFS Analysis CONUS Temp
7.2.3. Clouds
A category for use cases interested in the composition of, or characteristics associated with, clouds
GridStat: Cloud Fractions with Neighborhood and Probabilities
GridStat: Cloud Height with Neighborhood and Probabilities
GridStat: Cloud Pressure and Temperature Heights
GridStat: Cloud Fractions with Neighborhood and Probabilities
GridStat: Cloud Fractions with Neighborhood and Probabilities
GridStat: Cloud Fractions with Neighborhood and Probabilities
7.2.4. Data Assimilation
Observational data used as part of the initial conditions for numerical weather prediction
7.2.5. Land Surface
Land Model diagnostics and verification against observations
PointStat: CESM and FLUXNET2015 Terrestrial Coupling Index (TCI)
7.2.6. Marine and Cryosphere
Data related to verification involving marine and cryosphere systems, which includes sea-ice
GridStat: Python Embedding for sea surface salinity using level 3, 1 day composite obs
Grid-Stat and MODE: Sea Ice Validation
GridStat: Python Embedding to read and process SST
GridStat: Python Embedding to read and process sea surface heights
UserScript: Python Script to compute cable transport
PlotDataPlane: Python Embedding of tripolar coordinate file
GridStat: Python Embedding to read and process ice cover
PointStat: read in buoy ASCII files to compare to model wave heights
GridStat: Python Embedding for sea surface salinity using level 3, 8 day mean obs
7.2.7. Medium Range
Lower resolution model configuration (>4km) usually producing forecasts out to 7-14 days (also referred to as global models)
Multi_Tool: Feature Relative by Lead (with lead groupings)
Grid-Stat: Standard Verification of Surface Fields
GridStat: Use binary observation field to verify percentile forecast
Multi_Tool: Feature Relative by Init
Multi_Tool: Feature Relative by Lead using Multiple User-Defined Fields
Point-Stat: Standard Verification of Global Upper Air
UserScript: Calculate the Difficulty Index
Multi_Tool (MTD): Feature Relative by Lead (with lead groupings)
Point-Stat: Standard Verification for CONUS Surface
Grid-Stat: Compute Anomaly Correlation using Climatology
7.2.8. Planetary Boundary Layer
Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) applications
GenVxMask and Point-Stat: Computing PBLH from AMDAR data using “Theta-increase” method
7.2.9. Precipitation
Any fields that can be defined as precipitation, including rain, snow, and other precipitation types
Gen-Ens-Prod: Basic Post-Processing only
Grid-Stat: 6hr QPF in NetCDF format
Grid-Stat: 6hr PQPF Probability Verification
Point-Stat: Investigating Preciptitation Types
Grid-Stat: 6hr QPF in GEMPAK format
Grid-Stat: 24-hour QPF Use Case
MTD: Build Revision Series to Evaluate Forecast Consistency
PointStat: Compare community observed precipitation to model forecasts
7.2.10. Subseasonal to Seasonal
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal model configurations; Lower resolution model configurations (>4km) usually producing forecasts out beyond 14 days and up 1 year
UserScript: Compue Cross Spectra and make a plot
Grid-Stat and Series-Analysis: BMKG APIK Seasonal Forecast
TCGen: Genesis Density Function (GDF) and Track Density Function (TDF)
UserScript: Make zonal and meridonial means
UserScript: Make a Hovmoeller plot
GridStat: Determine dominant ensemble members terciles and calculate categorical outputs
SeriesAnalysis: Standardize ensemble members and calculate probabilistic outputs
7.2.11. Subseasonal to Seasonal: Mid-Latitude
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal model configurations relating to middle latitudes
Blocking Calculation: ERA RegridDataPlane, PcpCombine, and Blocking python code
WeatherRegime Calculation: ERA RegridDataPlane, PcpCombine, and WeatherRegime python code
Blocking Calculation: GFS and ERA RegridDataPlane, PcpCombine, and Blocking python code
WeatherRegime Calculation: GFS and ERA RegridDataPlane, PcpCombine, and WeatherRegime python code
7.2.12. Subseasonal to Seasonal: Madden-Julian Oscillation
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal model configurations relating to the Madden-Julian oscillation
UserScript: Make a Phase Diagram plot from input RMM or OMI
UserScript: Make OMI plot from calculated MJO indices
UserScript: Make MaKE-MaKI plot from calculated MaKE and MaKI indices
UserScript: Make OMI plot from calculated MJO indices
UserScript: Make RMM plots from calculated MJO indices
7.2.13. Short Range
High resolution model configurations (1-4km) usually producing forecasts between 0-3 days (also referred to as limited area models, stand-alone regional, and short range weather applications); Previously named Convection Allowing Models
UserScript: Physics Tendency Vertical Profile plot
UserScript: Physics Tendency Planview Plot
Grid-Stat: Surrogate Severe and Practically Perfect Evaluation
METdbLoad: Brightness Temperature
Grid-Stat: Brightness Temperature Distance Maps
UserScript: Physics Tendency Vertical Cross Section plot
Point2Grid: Calculate Practically Perfect Probabilities
Ensemble-Stat: Ensemble Statistics using Obs Uncertainty
MODE: Brightness Temperature Verification
MODE/Grid-Stat: Brightness Temperature Verification and Distance Maps
Grid-Stat: Surrogate Severe and Practically Perfect Probabilistic Evaluation
Surrogate Severe Calculation: PCPCombine, GenEnsProd, and RegridDataPlane
7.2.14. Space Weather
Upper atmosphere and geospace model configurations
Grid-Stat: Analysis validation
7.2.15. Tropical Cyclone and Extra Tropical Cyclone
Any field that is associated with Tropical Cyclone and Extra-tropical Cyclones
Track and Intensity Plotter: Generate mean, median and box plots
Grid-Stat: Verification of TC forecasts against merged TDR data
CyclonePlotter: Extra-TC Tracker and Plotting Capabilities
Point-Stat: Standard Verification for CONUS Surface
TCGen: 2021 Global Forecast System (GFS) Tropical Cyclone Genesis Forecast
CycloneVerification: TC Verification Compare ADECK vs BDECK
Cyclone Plotter: From TC-Pairs Output
7.2.16. Unstructured Grids
Unstructured grids used by models for numerical weather prediction.
StatAnalysis: Met Office LFRic UGRID