9. Continuous Integration

METplus utilizes GitHub Actions to run processes automatically when changes are pushed to GitHub. These tasks include:

  • Building documentation to catch warnings/errors

  • Building a Docker image to run tests

  • Creating/Updating Docker data volumes with new input data used for tests

  • Running unit tests

  • Running use cases

  • Comparing use case output to truth data

  • Creating/Updating Docker data volumes with truth data to use in comparisons

9.1. GitHub Actions Workflows

GitHub Actions runs workflows defined by files in the .github/workflows directory of a GitHub repository. Files with the .yml suffix are parsed and GitHub Actions will trigger a workflow run if the triggering criteria is met. Multiple workflows may be triggered by a single event. All workflow runs can be seen on the Actions tab of the repository. Each workflow run is identified by the branch for which it was invoked as well as the corresponding commit message on that branch. In general, a green check mark indicates that all checks for that workflow run passed. A red X indicates that at least one of the jobs failed.

Workflows can run multiple jobs in parallel or serially depending on dependency rules that can be set. Each job can run a series of commands or scripts called steps. Steps can include actions which can be used to perform common tasks. Many useful actions are provided by GitHub and external collaborators. Developers can also write their own custom actions to perform complex tasks to simplify a workflow.

9.1.1. Testing (testing.yml)

This workflow performs a variety of tasks to ensure that changes do not break any existing functionality. See the Testing Workflow for more information.

9.1.2. Documentation (documentation.yml)

METplus documentation is written using Sphinx. The METplus components utilize ReadTheDocs to build and display documentation. However, ReadTheDocs will render the documentation when warnings occur. This GitHub Actions workflow is run to catch/report warnings and errors.

This workflow is only triggered when changes are made to files under the docs directory of the METplus repository. It builds the documentation by running “make clean html” and makes the files available to download at the end of the workflow as a GitHub Actions artifact. This step is no longer mandatory because ReadTheDocs is configured to automatically generate the documentation for each branch/tag and publish it online.

The Makefile that runs sphinx-build was modified to write warnings and errors to a file called warnings.log using the -w argument. This file will be empty if no errors or warnings have occurred in the building of the documentation. If it is not empty, the script called by this workflow will exit with a non-zero value so that the workflow reports a failure.


A summary of the lines that contain WARNING or ERROR are output in the GitHub Actions log for easy access. The warnings.log file is also made available as a GitHub Actions artifact so it can be downloaded and reviewed. Artifacts can be found at the bottom of the workflow summary page when the workflow has completed.


9.1.3. Release Published (release_published.yml) - DEPRECATED

This workflow is no longer required, as Slack now has GitHub integration to automatically create posts on certain events. The workflow YAML file is still found in the repository for reference, but the workflow has been disabled via the Actions tab of the METplus GitHub webpage.

This workflow is triggered when a release is published on GitHub. It uses cURL to trigger a Slack message on the DTC-METplus announcements channel that lists information about the release. A Slack bot was created through the Slack API and the webhook that generated for the Slack channel was saved as a GitHub Secret.

9.2. Testing Workflow

9.2.1. Name

The name of a workflow can be specified to describe an overview of what is run. The following line in the testing.yml file:

name: Testing

defines the workflow identifier that can be seen from the Actions tab on the METplus GitHub page.


9.2.2. Event Control

The on keyword defines which events trigger the workflow to run. There are currently 3 types of events that trigger this workflow: push, pull_request, and workflow_dispatch. The jobs that are run in this workflow depend on which event has triggered it. Many jobs are common to multiple events. To avoid creating multiple workflow .yml files that contain redundant jobs, an additional layer of control is added within this workflow. See Job Control for more information. Push


      - develop
      - develop-ref
      - 'feature_*'
      - 'main_*'
      - 'bugfix_*'
      - 'docs/**'

    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
      - develop
      - 'main_*'
      - 'docs/**'

        description: 'Repository that triggered workflow'
        required: true
        description: 'Commit hash that triggered the event'
        required: true
        description: 'Branch that triggered event'
        required: true
        description: 'User that triggered the event'
        description: 'Email address of user who triggered push event'

This configuration tells GitHub Actions to trigger the workflow when changes are pushed to the repository and the following criteria are met:

  • The branch is named develop or develop-ref.

  • The branch starts with feature_, main_, or bugfix_.

  • Changes were made to at least one file that is not in the docs directory. Pull Request

  types: [opened, reopened, synchronize]
    - 'docs/**'

This configuration tells GitHub Actions to trigger the workflow for pull requests in the repository and the following criteria are met:

  • The pull request was opened, reopened, or synchronized.

  • Changes were made to at least one file that is not in the docs directory.

The synchronize type triggers a workflow for every push to a branch that is included in an open pull request. If changes were requested in the pull request review, a new workflow will be triggered for each push. To prevent many workflows from being triggered, developers are encouraged to limit the number of pushes for open pull requests. Note that pull requests can be closed until the necessary changes are completed, or Commit Message Keywords can be used to suppress the testing workflow. Workflow Dispatch

      description: 'Repository that triggered workflow'
      required: true
      description: 'Commit hash that triggered the event'
      required: true
      description: 'Branch that triggered event'
      required: true
      description: 'User that triggered the event'

This configuration enables manual triggering of this workflow. It allows other GitHub repositories such as MET, METplotpy, and METcalcpy to trigger this workflow. It lists the input values that are passed from the external repository. The inputs include:

  • The repository that triggered the workflow, such as dtcenter/MET

  • The commit hash in the external repository that triggered the event

  • The reference (or branch) that triggered the event, such as refs/heads/develop

  • The GitHub username that triggered the event in the external repository (optional)

The MET, METcalcpy, and METplotpy repositories are configured to trigger this workflow since they are used in 1 or more METplus use cases. Currently all 3 repositories only trigger when changes are pushed to their develop branch.

Future work is planned to support main_v* branches, which will involve using the ‘ref’ input to determine what to obtain in the workflow. For example, changes pushed to dtcenter/MET main_v10.1 should trigger a testing workflow that runs on the METplus main_v4.1 branch.

9.2.3. Jobs

The jobs keyword is used to define the jobs that are run in the workflow. Each item under jobs is a string that defines the ID of the job. This value can be referenced within the workflow as needed. Each job in the testing workflow is described in its own section.

9.2.4. Event Info

  name: "Trigger: ${{ github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' && github.event_name || github.event.inputs.repository }} ${{ github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' && 'local' || github.event.inputs.actor }} ${{ github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch' && 'event' || github.event.inputs.sha }}"
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Print GitHub values for reference
        GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(github) }}
      run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT"

This job contains information on what triggered the workflow. The name of the job contains complex logic to cleanly display information about an event triggered by an external repository when that occurs. Otherwise, it simply lists the type of local event (push or pull_request) that triggered the workflow. Workflow Triggered by Another Repository:

../_images/ci-workflow-trigger-external.png Workflow Triggered by a Push to the METplus Repository:


It also logs all of the information contained in the ‘github’ object that includes all of the available information from the event that triggered the workflow. This is useful to see what information is available to use in the workflow based on the event.


9.2.5. Job Control

  name: Determine which jobs to run
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Set job controls
      id: job_status
      run: .github/jobs/set_job_controls.sh
        commit_msg: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}

    matrix: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.matrix }}
    run_some_tests: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.run_some_tests }}
    run_get_image: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.run_get_image }}
    run_get_input_data: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.run_get_input_data }}
    run_diff: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.run_diff }}
    run_save_truth_data: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.run_save_truth_data }}
    external_trigger: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.external_trigger }}
    branch_name: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.branch_name }}

This job runs a script called set_job_controls.sh that parses environment variables set by GitHub Actions to determine which jobs to run. There is Default Behavior based on the event that triggered the workflow and the branch name. The last commit message before a push event is also parsed to look for Commit Message Keywords that can override the default behavior.

The script also calls another script called get_use_cases_to_run.sh that reads a JSON file that contains the use case test groups. The job control settings determine which of the use case groups to run. See Use Case Groups for more information. Output Variables

The step that calls the job control script is given an identifier using the id keyword:

id: job_status
run: .github/jobs/set_job_controls.sh

Values from the script are set as output variables using the following syntax:

echo ::set-output name=run_get_image::$run_get_image

In this example, an output variable named run_get_image (set with name=run_get_image) is created with the value of a variable from the script with the same name (set after the :: characters). The variable can be referenced elsewhere within the job using the following syntax:

${{ steps.job_status.outputs.run_get_image }}

The ID of the step is needed to reference the outputs for that step.


This notation should be referenced directly in the workflow YAML file and not inside a script that is called by the workflow.

To make the variable available to other jobs in the workflow, it will need to be set in the outputs section of the job:

  run_get_image: ${{ steps.job_status.outputs.run_get_image }}

The variable run_get_image can be referenced by other jobs that include job_status as a job that must complete before starting using the needs keyword:

  name: Docker Setup - Get METplus Image
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  needs: job_control
  if: ${{ needs.job_control.outputs.run_get_image == 'true' }}

Setting needs: job_control tells the get_image job to wait until the job_control job has completed before running. Since this is the case, this job can reference output from that job in the if value to determine if the job should be run or not. Default Behavior On Push

When a push event occurs the default behavior is to run the following:

  • Create/Update the METplus Docker image.

  • Look for new input data.

  • Run unit tests.

  • Run any use cases marked to run (see Use Case Tests).

If the push is on the develop or a main_vX.Y branch, then all of the use cases are run.

Default behavior for push events can be overridden using Commit Message Keywords. On Pull Request

When a pull request is created into the develop branch or a main_vX.Y branch, additional jobs are run in automation. In addition to the jobs run for a push, the scripts will:

  • Run all use cases

  • Compare use case output to truth data On Push to Reference Branch

Branches with a name that ends with -ref contain the state of the repository that will generate output that is considered “truth” data. In addition to the jobs run for a push, the scripts will:

  • Run all use cases.

  • Create/Update Docker data volumes that store truth data with the use case output.

See Create/Update Output Data Volumes for more information. Commit Message Keywords

The automation logic reads the commit message for the last commit before a push. Keywords in the commit message can override the default behavior. Here is a list of the currently supported keywords and what they control:

  • ci-skip-all: Don’t run anything - skip all automation jobs.

  • ci-skip-use-cases: Don’t run any use cases.

  • ci-skip-unit-tests: Don’t run the Pytest unit tests.

  • ci-run-all-cases: Run all use cases.

  • ci-run-diff: Obtain truth data and run diffing logic for use cases that are marked to run.

  • ci-run-all-diff: Obtain truth data and run diffing logic for all use cases.

9.2.6. Create/Update METplus Docker Image

  name: Docker Setup - Get METplus Image
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  needs: job_control
  if: ${{ needs.job_control.outputs.run_get_image == 'true' }}
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
        python-version: '3.6'
    - name: Get METplus Image
      run: .github/jobs/docker_setup.sh
        #MET_FORCE_TAG: 10.0.0

This job calls the docker_setup.sh script. This script builds a METplus Docker image and pushes it to DockerHub. The image is pulled instead of built in each test job to save execution time. The script attempts to pull the appropriate Docker image from DockerHub (dtcenter/metplus-dev:BRANCH_NAME) if it already exists so that unchanged components of the Docker image do not need to be rebuilt. This reduces the time it takes to rebuild the image for a given branch on a subsequent workflow run. DockerHub Credentials

The credentials needed to push images to DockerHub are stored in Secret Environment Variables for the repository. These variables are passed into the script that needs them using the env keyword. Force MET Version Used for Tests

The tests typically use the develop version tag of the MET Docker image for development testing. If testing is done on a stable release, then the corresponding MET stable release will be used. However, there may be an instance where a change in MET breaks something in another METplus component, i.e. METplotpy or METviewer, until a corresponding change is made to that component. If this occurs then some of the METplus use cases may break. To allow the tests to run successfully in the meantime, an option was added to force the version of the MET tag that is used to build the METplus Docker image that is used for testing. In the testing.yml workflow file, there is a commented variable called MET_FORCE_TAG that can be uncommented and set to force the version of MET to use. This variable is found in the get_image job under the env section for the step named “Get METplus Image.”

9.2.7. Create/Update Docker Data Volumes

  name: Docker Setup - Update Data Volumes
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  needs: job_control
  if: ${{ needs.job_control.outputs.run_get_input_data == 'true' }}
    - uses: dtcenter/metplus-action-data-update@v1
        docker_name: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
        docker_pass: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
        repo_name: ${{ github.repository }}
        data_prefix: sample_data
        branch_name: ${{ needs.job_control.outputs.branch_name }}
        docker_data_dir: /data/input/METplus_Data
        data_repo_dev: metplus-data-dev
        data_repo_stable: metplus-data
        use_feature_data: true

The METplus use case tests obtain input data from Docker data volumes. Each use case category that corresponds to a directory in parm/use_cases/model_applications has its own data volume that contains all of the data needed to run those use cases. The MET Tool Wrapper use cases found under parm/use_cases/met_tool_wrapper also have a data volume. These data are made available on the DTC web server.

This job utilizes the dtcenter/metplus-action-data-update Github Action. The logic in this action checks if the tar file on the DTC web server that contains the data for a use case category has changed since the corresponding Docker data volume has been last updated. If it has, then the Docker data volume is regenerated with the new data. This action is also used by the MET repository.

When new data is needed for a new METplus use case, a directory that is named after a feature branch is populated with the existing data for the use case category and the new data is added there. This data is used for testing the new use case in the automated tests. When the pull request for the new use case is approved, the new data is moved into the version of the data that corresponds to the upcoming release (i.e. v4.1) so that it will be available for future tests. More details on this process can be found in the Input Data section of the Add Use Cases chapter of the Contributor’s Guide.

9.2.8. Unit Tests

Unit tests are run via pytest. Groups of pytests are run in the ‘pytests’ job. The list of groups that will be run in the automated tests are found in .github/parm/pytest_groups.txt. See Unit Tests for more information on pytest groups.

Items in pytest_groups.txt can include:

* A single group marker name, i.e. wrapper_a
* Multiple group marker names separated by _or_, i.e. plotting_or_long
* A group marker name to exclude starting with not_, i.e. not_wrapper

All pytest groups are currently run in a single GitHub Actions job. This was done because the existing automation logic builds a Docker environment to run the tests and each testing environment takes a few minutes to create (future improvements may speed up execution time by running the pytests directly in the GitHub Actions environment instead of Docker). Running the pytests in smaller groups serially takes substantially less time than calling all of the existing pytests in a single call to pytest, so dividing tests into groups is recommended to improve performance. Searching for the string “deselected in” in the pytests job log can be used to see how long each group took to run.

Future enhancements could be made to save and parse this information for each run to output a summary at the end of the log file to more easily see which groups could be broken up to improve performance.

9.2.9. Use Case Tests All Use Cases

All of the existing use cases are listed in all_use_cases.txt, found in internal/tests/use_cases.

The file is organized by use case category. Each category starts a line that following the format:

Category: <category>

where <category> is the name of the use case category. See Use Case Categories for more information. If a use case is being added will go into a new category, a new category definition line will have to be added to this file and the new use case added under it. Each use case in that category will be found on its own line after this line. The use cases can be defined using the following formats:

<index>::<name>::<config_args>::<dependencies> index

The index is the number associated with the use case so it can be referenced easily. The first index number in a new category should be 0. Each use case added should have an index that is one greater than the previous. If it has been determined that a use case cannot run in the automated tests, then the index number should be replaced with “#X” so that it is included in the list for reference but not run by the tests. name

This is the string identifier of the use case. The name typically matches the use case configuration filename without the .conf extension.


PointStat_fcstGFS_obsGDAS_UpperAir_MultiField_PrepBufr config_args

This is the path of the config file used for the use case relative to parm/use_cases.



If the use case contains multiple configuration files, they can be listed separated by commas.


met_tool_wrapper/GridStat/GridStat.conf,met_tool_wrapper/GridStat/GridStat_forecast.conf,met_tool_wrapper/GridStat/GridStat_observation.conf dependencies

If there are additional dependencies required to run the use case, such as a different Python environment, a list of keywords separated by commas can be provided. The Use Case Dependencies section contains information on the keywords that can be used.


cycloneplotter_env Use Case Dependencies Conda Environments

The keywords that end with _env are Python environments created in Docker images using Conda that can be used to run use cases. These images are stored on DockerHub in dtcenter/metplus-envs and are named with a tag that corresponds to the keyword without the _env suffix. The environments were created using Docker commands via scripts that are found in internal/scripts/docker_env. Existing keywords that set up Conda environments used for use cases are:

  • cfgrib_env

  • h5py_env

  • icecover_env

  • metdatadb_env

  • metplotpy_env

  • netcdf4_env

  • pygrib_env

  • spacetime_env

  • weatherregime_env

  • xesmf_env



The above example uses the Conda environment in dtcenter/metplus-envs:spacetime to run a user script. Note that only one dependency that contains the _env suffix can be supplied to a given use case. Other Environments

A few of the environments do not contain Conda environments and are handled a little differently.

  • gempak_env - Used if GempakToCF.jar is needed for a use case to convert GEMPAK data to NetCDF format so it can be read by the MET tools. Instead of creating a Python environment to use for the use case, this Docker image installs Java and obtains the GempakToCF.jar file. When creating the Docker container to run the use cases, the necessary Java files are copied over into the container that runs the use cases so that the JAR file can be run by METplus wrappers.

  • gfdl-tracker_env - Contains the GFDL Tracker application that is used by the GFDLTracker wrapper use cases. Other Keywords

Besides specifying Python environments, there are additional keywords that can be used to set up the environment to run a use case:

  • py_embed - Used if a different Python environment is required to run a Python Embedding script. If this keyword is included with a Python environment, then the MET_PYTHON_EXE environment variable will be set to specify the version of Python3 that is included in that environment.



In this example, the dtcenter/metplus-envs:pygrib environment is used to run the use case. Since py_embed is also included, then the following will be added to the call to run_metplus.py so that the Python embedding script will use the pygrib environment to run:


Please see the MET User’s Guide for more information on how to use Python Embedding.

  • metviewer - Used if METviewer should be made available to the use case. This is typically added for a METdbLoad use case that needs to populate a database with MET output.

  • metplus - Used if a user script needs to call utility functions from the metplus Python package. This keyword simply adds the METplus source code directory to the PYTHONPATH so that the metplus.util functions can be imported. Note that this keyword is not needed unless a different Python environment is specified with a “_env” keyword. The version of Python that is used to run typical use cases has already installed the METplus Python package in its environment, so the package can be imported easily.

  • metdatadb - Used if the METdataio repository is needed to run. Note that this is only needed if using a Conda environment other than metdatadb_env. The repository Python code will be installed in the Python environment.

  • cartopy - Used if cartopy 0.18.0 is needed in the Conda environment. Cartopy uses shapefiles that are downloaded as needed. The URL that is used to download the files has changed since cartopy 0.18.0 and there have been issues where the files cannot be obtained. To remedy this issue, the METplus Docker images, which contain the Conda environments, including Cartopy, have been modified to download the necessary shape files so that they will always be available. These files need to be copied from the Docker environment image into the testing image. When this keyword is found in the dependency list, a different Dockerfile (Dockerfile.run_cartopy found in .github/actions/run_tests) is used to create the testing environment and copy the required shapefiles into place. Creating New Python Environments

In METplus v4.0.0 and earlier, a list of Python packages were added to use cases that required additional packages. These packages were either installed with pip3 or using a script. This approach was very time consuming as some packages take a very long time to install in Docker. The new approach involves creating Docker images that use Conda to create a Python environment that can run the use case. To see what is available in each of the existing Python environments, refer to the comments in the scripts found in internal/scripts/docker_env/scripts. New environments must be added by a METplus developer, so please create a discussion on the METplus GitHub Discussions forum if none of these environments contain the package requirements needed to run a new use case.

A README.md file can be found in internal/scripts/docker_env that provides commands that can be run to recreate a Docker image if the conda environment needs to be updated. Please note that Docker must be installed on the workstation used to create new Docker images and a DockerHub account with access to the dtcenter repositories must be used to push Docker images to DockerHub.

The README.md file also contains commands to create a conda environment that is used for the tests locally. Any base conda environments, such as metplus_base and py_embed_base, must be created locally first before creating an environment that builds upon these environments. Please note that some commands in the scripts are specific to the Docker environment and may need to be rerun to successfully build the environment locally.

Installing METplus Components

The scripts used to create the Python environment Docker images do not install any METplus components, such as METplotpy, METcalcpy, METdataio, and METplus, in the Python environment that may be needed for a use case. This is done because the automated tests will install and use the latest version (develop) of the packages to ensure that any changes to those components do not break any existing use cases. These packages will need to be installed by the user and need to be updated manually. To install these packages, activate the Conda environment, obtain the source code from GitHub, and run “pip3 install .” in the top level directory of the repository.


conda activate weatherregime
git clone git@github.com:dtcenter/METplotpy
cd METplotpy
git checkout develop
git pull
pip3 install .

Cartopy Shapefiles

The cartopy python package automatically attempts to download shapefiles as needed. The URL that is used in cartopy version 0.18.0 and earlier no longer exists, so use cases that need these files will fail if they are not found locally. If a conda environment uses cartopy, these shapefiles may need to be downloaded by the user running the use case even if the conda environment was created by another user. Cartopy provides a script that can be used to obtain these shapefiles from the updated URL:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SciTools/cartopy/master/tools/cartopy_feature_download.py
python3 cartopy_feature_download.py cultural physical cultural-extra Use Case Groups

The use cases that are run in the automated test suite are divided into groups that can be run concurrently.

The use_case_groups.json file (found in .github/parm) contains a list of the use case groups to run together. In METplus version 4.0.0 and earlier, this list was found in the .github/workflows/testing.yml file.

Each use case group is defined with the following format:

  "category": "<CATEGORY>",
  "index_list": "<INDEX_LIST>",
  "run": <RUN_STATUS>
  • <CATEGORY> is the category group that the use case is found under in the all_use_cases.txt file (see All Use Cases).

  • <INDEX_LIST> is a list of indices of the use cases from all_use_cases.txt to run in the group. This can be a single integer, a comma-separated list of integers, and a range of values with a dash, i.e. 0-3.

  • <RUN_STATUS> is a boolean (true/false) value that determines if the use case group should be run. If the workflow job controls are not set to run all of the use cases, then only use case groups that are set to true are run.


  "category": "climate",
  "index_list": "2",
  "run": true

This example defines a use case group that contains the climate use case with index 2 and is marked to run for every push. Subset Category into Multiple Tests

Use cases can be separated into multiple test jobs. In the index_list value, define the cases to run for the job. Use cases are numbered starting with 0 and correspond to the number set in the all_use_cases.txt file.

The argument supports a comma-separated list of numbers. Example:

  "category": "data_assimilation",
  "index_list": "0,2,4",
  "run": false
  "category": "data_assimilation",
  "index_list": "1,3",
  "run": false

The above example will run a job with data_assimilation use cases 0, 2, and 4, then another job with data_assimilation use cases 1 and 3.

It also supports a range of numbers separated with a dash. Example:

  "category": "data_assimilation",
  "index_list": "0-3",
  "run": false
  "category": "data_assimilation",
  "index_list": "4-5",
  "run": false

The above example will run a job with data_assimilation 0, 1, 2, and 3, then another job with data_assimilation 4 and 5.

Use a combination of commas and dashes to define the list of cases to run. Example:

  "category": "data_assimilation",
  "index_list": "0-2,4",
  "run": false
  "category": "data_assimilation",
  "index_list": "3",
  "run": false

The above example will run data_assimilation 0, 1, 2, and 4 in one job, then data_assimilation 3 in another job. Run Use Cases

The use_case_tests job is duplicated for each use case group using the strategy -> matrix syntax:

    fail-fast: false
    matrix: ${{fromJson(needs.job_control.outputs.matrix)}}

fail-fast is set to false so that the rest of the use case test jobs will run even when one of them fails. The matrix value is a list of use case categories and indices that is created in the Job Control job. Each value in the list is referenced in the job steps with ${{ matrix.categories }}:

- name: Run Use Cases
  uses: ./.github/actions/run_tests
  id: run_tests
    categories: ${{ matrix.categories }}

The logic that runs the use cases is contained in a custom GitHub Action that is found in the METplus repository. Obtaining Input Data

Each use case category has a corresponding Docker data volume that contains the input data needed to run all of the use cases. The data volume is obtained from DockerHub and mounted into the container that will run the use cases using the --volumes-from argument to the docker run command. Build Docker Test Environment

A Docker multi-stage build is used to create the Docker environment to run the use cases. The Docker images that contain the Use Case Dependencies are built and the relevant files (such as the Conda environment files) are copied into the METplus image so that they will be available when running the use cases. Setup Use Case Commands

Before run_metplus.py is called to run the use case, some other commands are run in the Docker container. For example, if another METplus Python component such as METcalcpy, METplotpy, or METdataio are required for the use case, the develop branch of those repositories are obtained the Python code is installed in the Python (Conda) environment that will be used to run the use case. Run the Use Cases

The run_metplus.py script is called to run each use case. The OUTPUT_BASE METplus configuration variable is overridden to include the use case name identifier defined in the All Use Cases file to isolate all of the output for each use case. If any of the use cases contain an error, then the job for the use case group will fail and display a red X next to the job on the GitHub Actions webpage. Difference Tests

After all of the use cases in a group have finished running, the output that was generated is compared to the truth data to determine if any of the output was changed. The truth data for each use case group is stored in a Docker data volume on DockerHub. The diff_util.py script (found in metplus/util) is run to compare all of the output files in different ways depending on the file type.

The logic in this script could be improved to provide more robust testing. For example, the logic to compare images has been disabled because the existing logic was reporting false differences.

If any differences were found, then the files that contained the differences are copied into a directory so they can be made available in an artifact. The files are renamed to include an identifier just before the extension so that it is easy to tell which file came from the truth data and which came from the new output.

9.2.10. Create/Update Output Data Volumes

  name: Create Output Docker Data Volumes
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  needs: [use_case_tests]
  if: ${{ needs.job_control.outputs.run_save_truth_data == 'true' }}
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
    - run: .github/jobs/create_output_data_volumes.sh

Differences in the use case output may be expected. The most common difference is new data from a newly added use case that is not found in the truth data. If all of the differences are determined to be expected, then the truth data must be updated so that the changes are included in future difference tests. All of the artifacts with a name that starts with use_cases_ are downloaded in this job. Data from each group is copied into a Docker image and pushed up to DockerHub, replacing the images that were used for the difference tests. See On Push to Reference Branch for information on which events trigger this job.

9.2.11. Output (Artifacts) Error Logs

If there are errors in any of the use cases, then the log file from the run is copied into a directory that will be made available at the end of the workflow run as a downloadable artifact. This makes it easier to review all of the log files that contain errors. Output Data

All of the output data that is generated by the use case groups are saved as downloadable artifacts. Each output artifact name starts with use_cases_ and contains the use case category and indices. This makes it easy to obtain the output from a given use case to review. Diff Data

When differences are found when comparing the new output from a use case to the truth data, an artifact is created for the use case group. It contains files that differ so that the user can download and examine them. Files that are only found in one or the other are also included.