Grid-Stat and MODE: Sea Ice Validation

model_applications/cryosphere/GridStat_MODE_fcstIMS _obsNCEP_sea_ice.conf

Scientific Objective

Run Grid-Stat and MODE to compare the National Ice Center (NIC) Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) sea ice analysis. This is a validation and diagnostics use case because it is limited to a comparison between IMS analysis to NCEP analysis.


Both IMS and NCEP sea ice analyses are observation datasets. For the purposes of MET, IMS is referred to as “forecast” and NCEP is referred to as “observation”.

  • Forecast dataset: IMS Sea Ice Concentration
    • Variable of interest: ICEC; ICEC is a binary field where “1” means a sea ice concentration of >=0.40 and “0” means a sea ice concentration of <0.40.

    • Level: Z0 (surface)

    • Dates: 20190201 - 20190228

    • Valid time: 22 UTC

    • Format: Grib2

    • Projection: 4-km Polar Stereographic

  • Observation dataset: NCEP Sea Ice Concentration
    • Variable of interest: ICEC; ICEC is the sea ice concentration with values from 0.0 - 1.0. Values >1.0 && <=1.28 indicate flagged data to be included and should be set to ==1.0 when running MET. Values >1.28 should be ignored as that indicates an invalid observation.

    • Level: Z0 (surface)

    • Dates: 20190201 - 20190228

    • Valid time: 00 UTC

    • Format: Grib2

    • Projection: 12.7-km Polar Stereographic

  • Data source: Received from Robert Grumbine at EMC. IMS data is originally from the NIC. NCEP data is originally from NCEP.

  • Location: IMS: https://www.natice.noaa.gov/ims/index.html; IMS - (https://polar.ncep.noaa.gov/seaice/Analyses.shtml)

METplus Components

This use case runs the MET GridStat and MODE tools.

METplus Workflow

The workflow processes the data by valid time, meaning that each tool will be run for each time before moving onto the next valid time. The GridStat tool is called first followed by the MODE tool. It processes analysis times from 2019-02-01 to 2019-02-05. The valid times for each analysis are different from one another (please see ‘Dataset’ section for more information).

METplus Configuration

METplus first loads all of the configuration files found in parm/metplus_config. Then, it loads any configuration files passed to METplus by the command line with the -c option.

# IMS Ice Concentration (fcst) vs. NCEP Ice Concentration (obs)
# IMS and NCEP are both observation analyses. For the purpose of running MET, IMS is referred to as
# the forecast and NCEP as the obs.
# Written by Lindsay Blank, NCAR. January 2020
# Loop by analysis time

# Format of VALID_BEG and VALID_END

# L: Available dates are 20190201 - 20190228
# Start time for METplus run

# End time for METplus run

# Increment between METplus runs in seconds. Must be >= 60

# Options are times, processes
# times = run all items in the PROCESS_LIST for a single initialization
# time, then repeat until all times have been evaluated.
# processes = run each item in the PROCESS_LIST for all times
# specified, then repeat for the next item in the PROCESS_LIST.
LOOP_ORDER = times

# List of applications to run
PROCESS_LIST = GridStat, Mode

# GridStat Configurations
# List of variables to compare
# "THRESH" refers to "cat_thresh"

OBS_VAR1_THRESH = >=0.40
OBS_VAR1_OPTIONS = censor_thresh = [ >1.00 && <=1.28, >1.28 ]; censor_val    = [ 1.00 , -9999 ];

# MODE Configurations
# regridding domain for MODE

# Turn on quilting

# Convolution radius list

# Convolution threshold list
# L: IMS is a binary field where a value of "1" is equivalent to >=0.40 sea ice concentration.

# Merge flag: options are NONE, THRESH, ENGINE, or BOTH

# Merge threshold list


# Description of data to be processed
# used in output file path

# regridding domain for GridStat

# Location of grid_stat MET config file

# prefix to add to GridStat output filenames

# Location of mode MET config file

# prefix to add to MODE output filenames

# IMS Options:
# Set to true if forecast data is probabilistic
FCST_IS_PROB = false

# NCEP Options:

# location of configuration files used by MET applications

# input and output data directories for each application in PROCESS_LIST
OBS_GRID_STAT_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/NCEP_data
FCST_GRID_STAT_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/IMS_data

OBS_MODE_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/NCEP_data
FCST_MODE_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/IMS_data

GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_DIR = {OUTPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/GridStat
MODE_OUTPUT_DIR = {OUTPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/MODE

# format of filenames

FCST_GRID_STAT_INPUT_TEMPLATE = imssnow96.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}.grb.grib2
FCST_MODE_INPUT_TEMPLATE = imssnow96.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}.grb.grib2

OBS_GRID_STAT_INPUT_TEMPLATE = seaice.t00z.north12psg.grib2.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}
OBS_MODE_INPUT_TEMPLATE = seaice.t00z.north12psg.grib2.{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}

GRID_STAT_VERIFICATION_MASK_TEMPLATE = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/seaice_nland127.nc

MODE_VERIFICATION_MASK_TEMPLATE = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/seaice_nland127.nc

GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE = {valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}/grid_stat
MODE_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE = {valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}/mode

MET Configuration

METplus sets environment variables based on the values in the METplus configuration file. These variables are referenced in the MET configuration file. YOU SHOULD NOT SET ANY OF THESE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES YOURSELF! THEY WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY METPLUS WHEN IT CALLS THE MET TOOLS! If there is a setting in the MET configuration file that is not controlled by an environment variable, you can add additional environment variables to be set only within the METplus environment using the [user_env_vars] section of the METplus configuration files. See the ‘User Defined Config’ section on the ‘System Configuration’ page of the METplus User’s Guide for more information.


// Grid-Stat configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.

// Output model name to be written
model = "${MODEL}";

// Output description to be written
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
desc = "NA";

// Output observation type to be written
obtype = "${OBTYPE}";


// Verification grid
regrid = {
   to_grid    = ${REGRID_TO_GRID};
   method     = NEAREST;
   width      = 1;
   vld_thresh = 0.5;
   shape      = SQUARE;


// May be set separately in each "field" entry
cnt_thresh       = [ NA ];
cnt_logic        = UNION;
wind_thresh      = [ NA ];
wind_logic       = UNION;
eclv_points      = 0.05;
nc_pairs_var_name = "";
nc_pairs_var_suffix = "";
rank_corr_flag   = FALSE;

// Forecast and observation fields to be verified

fcst = {
   field = [ ${FCST_FIELD} ];

obs = {
    field = [ ${OBS_FIELD} ];


// Climatology data
climo_mean = {

   file_name = [];
   field     = [];

   regrid = {
      method     = NEAREST;
      width      = 1;
      vld_thresh = 0.5;
      shape      = SQUARE;

   time_interp_method = DW_MEAN;
   match_month        = TRUE;
   match_day          = FALSE;
   time_step          = 21600;

climo_stdev = climo_mean;
climo_stdev = {
   file_name = [];

climo_cdf_bins = 1;


// Verification masking regions
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
mask = {
   grid = [ "" ];
   poly = [ ${VERIF_MASK} ];


// Confidence interval settings
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
ci_alpha  = [ 0.05 ];

boot = {
   interval = PCTILE;
   rep_prop = 1.0;
   n_rep    = 0;
   rng      = "mt19937";
   seed     = "";


// Data smoothing methods
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
interp = {
   field      = BOTH;
   vld_thresh = 1.0;
   shape      = SQUARE;

   type = [
         method = NEAREST;
         width  = 1;


// Neighborhood methods
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
nbrhd = {
   field      = BOTH;
   vld_thresh = 1.0;
   shape      = SQUARE;
   width      = [ 3, 5, 7, 9 ];
   cov_thresh = [ >=0.5 ];


// Fourier decomposition
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
fourier = {
   wave_1d_beg = [];
   wave_1d_end = [];


// Gradient statistics
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
gradient = {
   dx = [ 1 ];
   dy = [ 1 ];


// Statistical output types
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
output_flag = {
   fho    = STAT;
   ctc    = STAT;
   cts    = STAT;
   mctc   = NONE;
   mcts   = NONE;
   cnt    = STAT;
   sl1l2  = STAT;
   sal1l2 = NONE;
   vl1l2  = NONE;
   val1l2 = NONE;
   vcnt   = NONE;
   pct    = STAT;
   pstd   = STAT;
   pjc    = NONE;
   prc    = NONE;
   eclv   = NONE;
   nbrctc = NONE;
   nbrcts = NONE;
   nbrcnt = STAT;
   grad   = NONE;

// NetCDF matched pairs output file
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
nc_pairs_flag = {
   latlon     = TRUE;
   raw        = TRUE;
   diff       = TRUE;
   climo      = TRUE;
   weight     = FALSE;
   nbrhd      = TRUE;
   fourier    = FALSE;
   gradient   = FALSE;
   apply_mask = TRUE;


grid_weight_flag = NONE;
tmp_dir          = "/tmp";
output_prefix    = "${OUTPUT_PREFIX}";
version          = "V9.0";

See the following file for more information about the environment variables set in this configuration file:



// MODE configuration file.
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.

// Output model name to be written
model = "${MODEL}";

// Output description to be written
desc = "NA";

// Output observation type to be written
obtype = "${OBTYPE}";


// Verification grid
regrid = {
   to_grid    = ${REGRID_TO_GRID};
   method     = NEAREST;
   width      = 1;
   vld_thresh = 0.5;
   shape      = SQUARE;


// Approximate grid resolution (km)
grid_res = 12.7;


// Run all permutations of radius and threshold
quilt = ${QUILT};

// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {

   field = ${FCST_FIELD}

   censor_thresh      = [];
   censor_val         = [];
   conv_radius        = [${FCST_CONV_RADIUS}]; //in grid squares
   conv_thresh        = [${FCST_CONV_THRESH}];
   vld_thresh         = 0.5;
   filter_attr_name   = [];
   filter_attr_thresh = [];
   merge_thresh       = [${FCST_MERGE_THRESH}];
   merge_flag         = ${FCST_MERGE_FLAG};

obs = {
   field = ${OBS_FIELD};
   censor_thresh	= [ >1.00 && <=1.28, >1.28 ];
   censor_val		= [ 1.00 , -9999 ];
   conv_radius		= [${OBS_CONV_RADIUS}]; //in grid squares
    conv_thresh		= [${OBS_CONV_THRESH}];
    vld_thresh		= 0.5;
    filter_attr_name	= [];
    filter_attr_thresh	= [];
    merge_thresh	= [${OBS_MERGE_THRESH}];
    merge_flag		= ${OBS_MERGE_FLAG};


// Handle missing data
mask_missing_flag = BOTH;

// Match objects between the forecast and observation fields
match_flag = NO_MERGE;

// Maximum centroid distance for objects to be compared
max_centroid_dist = 800.0/grid_res;


// Verification masking regions
mask = {
   grid      = "";
   grid_flag = NONE; // Apply to NONE, FCST, OBS, or BOTH
   poly      = ${VERIF_MASK};
   poly_flag = BOTH; // Apply to NONE, FCST, OBS, or BOTH


// Fuzzy engine weights
weight = {
   centroid_dist    = 2.0;
   boundary_dist    = 4.0;
   convex_hull_dist = 0.0;
   angle_diff       = 1.0;
   aspect_diff      = 0.0;
   area_ratio       = 1.0;
   int_area_ratio   = 2.0;
   curvature_ratio  = 0.0;
   complexity_ratio = 0.0;
   inten_perc_ratio = 0.0;
   inten_perc_value = 50;


// Fuzzy engine interest functions
interest_function = {

   centroid_dist = (
      (            0.0, 1.0 )
      (  60.0/grid_res, 1.0 )
      ( 600.0/grid_res, 0.0 )

   boundary_dist = (
      (            0.0, 1.0 )
      ( 400.0/grid_res, 0.0 )

   convex_hull_dist = (
      (            0.0, 1.0 )
      ( 400.0/grid_res, 0.0 )

   angle_diff = (
      (  0.0, 1.0 )
      ( 30.0, 1.0 )
      ( 90.0, 0.0 )

   aspect_diff = (
      (  0.00, 1.0 )
      (  0.10, 1.0 )
      (  0.75, 0.0 )

   corner   = 0.8;
   ratio_if = (
      (    0.0, 0.0 )
      ( corner, 1.0 )
      (    1.0, 1.0 )

   area_ratio = ratio_if;

   int_area_ratio = (
      ( 0.00, 0.00 )
      ( 0.10, 0.50 )
      ( 0.25, 1.00 )
      ( 1.00, 1.00 )

   curvature_ratio = ratio_if;

   complexity_ratio = ratio_if;

   inten_perc_ratio = ratio_if;


// Total interest threshold for determining matches
total_interest_thresh = 0.8;

// Interest threshold for printing output pair information
print_interest_thresh = 0.0;


// Plotting information
met_data_dir = "MET_BASE";

fcst_raw_plot = {
   color_table      = "MET_BASE/colortables/met_default.ctable";
   plot_min         = 0.0;
   plot_max         = 0.0;
   colorbar_spacing = 1;

obs_raw_plot = {
   color_table      = "MET_BASE/colortables/met_default.ctable";
   plot_min         = 0.0;
   plot_max         = 0.0;
   colorbar_spacing = 1;

object_plot = {
   color_table      = "MET_BASE/colortables/mode_obj.ctable";

// Boolean for plotting on the region of valid data within the domain
plot_valid_flag = FALSE;

// Plot polyline edges using great circle arcs instead of straight lines
plot_gcarc_flag = FALSE;


// NetCDF matched pairs, PostScript, and contingency table output files
ps_plot_flag    = TRUE;
nc_pairs_flag   = {
   latlon       = TRUE;
   raw          = TRUE;
   object_raw   = TRUE;
   object_id    = TRUE;
   cluster_id   = TRUE;
   polylines    = TRUE;
ct_stats_flag   = TRUE;


shift_right = 0;   //  grid squares


output_prefix    = "${OUTPUT_PREFIX}";
version        = "V9.0";

See the following file for more information about the environment variables set in this configuration file:


Running METplus

This use case can be run two ways:

  1. Passing in GridStat_MODE_fcstIMS_obsNCEP_sea_ice.conf then a user-specific system configuration file:

    master_metplus.py -c /path/to/METplus/parm/use_cases/model_applications/cryosphere/GridStat_MODE_fcstIMS_obsNCEP_sea_ice.conf -c /path/to/user_system.conf
  2. Modifying the configurations in parm/metplus_config, then passing in GridStat_MODE_fcstIMS_obsNCEP_sea_ice.conf::

    master_metplus.py -c /path/to/METplus/parm/use_cases/model_applications/cryosphere/GridStat_MODE_fcstIMS_obsNCEP_sea_ice.conf

The former method is recommended. Whether you add them to a user-specific configuration file or modify the metplus_config files, the following variables must be set correctly:

  • INPUT_BASE - Path to directory where sample data tarballs are unpacked (See Datasets section to obtain tarballs).

  • OUTPUT_BASE - Path where METplus output will be written. This must be in a location where you have write permissions

  • MET_INSTALL_DIR - PAth to location where MET is installed locally

Example User Configuration File:

INPUT_BASE = /path/to/sample/input/data
OUTPUT_BASE = /path/to/output/dir
MET_INSTALL_DIR = /path/to/met-X.Y

NOTE All of these items must be found under the [dir] section.

Expected Output

A successful run of this use case will output the following to the screen and logfile:

INFO: METplus has successfully finished running.

A successful run will have the following output files in the location defined by {OUTPUT_BASE}, which is located in the metplus_system.conf configuration file located in /path/to/METplus/parm/metplus_config. This list of files should be found for every time run through METplus. GridStat output will be in model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/GridStat relative to the {OUTPUT_BASE}. MODE output will be in model_applications/cryosphere/sea_ice/MODE relative to the {OUTPUT_BASE}. Using the output for 20190201 as an example:

GridStat output:

  • grid_stat_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_Z0_000000L_20190201_220000V_pairs.nc

  • grid_stat_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_Z0_000000L_20190201_220000V.stat

MODE output:

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R1_T1_cts.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R1_T1_obj.nc

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R1_T1_obj.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R1_T1.ps

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R2_T1_cts.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R2_T1_obj.nc

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R2_T1_obj.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R2_T1.ps

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R3_T1_cts.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R3_T1_obj.nc

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R3_T1_obj.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R3_T1.ps

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R4_T1_cts.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R4_T1_obj.nc

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R4_T1_obj.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R4_T1.ps

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R5_T1_cts.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R5_T1_obj.nc

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R5_T1_obj.txt

  • mode_IMS_ICEC_vs_NCEP_ICEC_000000L_20190201_220000V_000000A_R5_T1.ps