Grid-Stat: CESM and GFS Analysis CONUS Temp

model_applications/climate/ GridStat_fcstCESM_obsGFS _ConusTemp.conf

Scientific Objective

To evaluate the CESM model temperature against the GFS analysis across the the Continental United States to obtain categorical output statistics. This was developed as part of the NCAR System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere (SIMA) project.


  • Forecast dataset: CESM Surface Temperature Data

  • Observation dataset: GFS Analysis 2m Temperature

METplus Components

This use case runs grid_stat to create continuous statistics on tempeprature from the CESM model and observations from the GFS analysis.

METplus Workflow

The grid_stat tool is run for each time. This example loops by initialization

time. It processes 4 valid times, listed below.

Valid: 2014-08-01_06Z
Forecast lead: 06
Init: 2014-08-01_12Z
Forecast lead: 12
Init: 2014-08-02_06Z
Forecast lead: 06
Init: 2014-08-02_12Z
Forecast lead: 12

METplus Configuration

METplus first loads all of the configuration files found in parm/metplus_config, then it loads any configuration files passed to METplus via the command line with the -c option, i.e. -c parm/use_cases/model_applications/climate/GridStat_fcstCESM_obsGFS_ConusTemp.conf

# GridStat METplus Configuration for the CESM_vs_GFS climate model use case: 

# List of applications to run - only GridStat for this case

# time looping - options are INIT, VALID, RETRO, and REALTIME
# If set to INIT or RETRO:
# If set to VALID or REALTIME:

# Format of VALID_BEG and VALID_END using % items
# %Y = 4 digit year, %m = 2 digit month, %d = 2 digit day, etc.
# see www.strftime.org for more information
# %Y%m%d%H expands to YYYYMMDDHH

# Start time for METplus run - must match INIT_TIME_FMT
INIT_BEG = 2014080100

# End time for METplus run - must match INIT_TIME_FMT
INIT_END = 2014080200   

# Increment between METplus runs (in seconds if no units are specified)
#  Must be >= 60 seconds

# List of forecast leads to process for each run time (init or valid)
LEAD_SEQ = 6, 12

# Order of loops to process data - Options are times, processes
# times = run all items in the PROCESS_LIST for a single initialization
# time, then repeat until all times have been evaluated.
# processes = run each item in the PROCESS_LIST for all times
#   specified, then repeat for the next item in the PROCESS_LIST.
LOOP_ORDER = times

# Location of MET config file to pass to the GridStat
# References CONFIG_DIR from the [dir] section

# Name to identify model (forecast) data in output

# Name to identify observation data in output (used in output file path)

# Name of forecast variable 1, List of levels to evaluate for forecast variable 1, and
# List of thresholds to evaluate for each name/level combination for forecast variable 1
FCST_VAR1_LEVELS = "({valid?fmt=%Y%m%d_%H%M%S},*,*)"  
FCST_VAR1_THRESH = ge32.0, ge65.0, ge75.0
FCST_VAR1_OPTIONS = convert(x) = K_to_F(x);

# Name of observation variable, levels, and thresholds
# levels and thresh must be the same length as FCST_VAR1_LEVELS and FCST_VAR1_THRESH
OBS_VAR1_THRESH = ge32.0, ge65.0, ge75.0
OBS_VAR1_OPTIONS = convert(x) = K_to_F(x);

# Set to true to run GridStat separately for each field specified
# Set to false to create one run of GridStat per run time that
#   includes all fields specified.
# Not used for this example



# Set to true if forecast data is probabilistic
FCST_IS_PROB = false

# Set to true if observation data is probabilistic
#  Only used if configuring forecast data as the 'OBS' input
OBS_IS_PROB = false

# Output prefix set in grid_stat config file

# End of [config] section and start of [dir] section

# location of configuration files used by MET applications

# directory containing forecast input to GridStat
FCST_GRID_STAT_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/climate/CESM

# directory containing observation input to GridStat
OBS_GRID_STAT_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE}/model_applications/climate/gfs_analysis

# directory containing climatology input to GridStat
# Not used in this example

# directory to write output from GridStat

# End of [dir] section and start of [filename_templates] section

# Template to look for forecast input to GridStat relative to FCST_GRID_STAT_INPUT_DIR
FCST_GRID_STAT_INPUT_TEMPLATE = MetPlus.globe.{init?fmt=%Y-%m-%d}-00000.cam.h0.{init?fmt=%Y-%m-%d}-10800.nc

# Template to look for observation input to GridStat relative to OBS_GRID_STAT_INPUT_DIR
OBS_GRID_STAT_INPUT_TEMPLATE = {valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}/gfsanl_4_{valid?fmt=%Y%m%d}_{valid?fmt=%H%M}_000.grb2

# Optional subdirectories relative to GRID_STAT_OUTPUT_DIR to write output from GridStat

# Template to look for climatology input to GridStat relative to GRID_STAT_CLIMO_MEAN_INPUT_DIR
# Not used in this example

MET Configuration

METplus sets environment variables based on the values in the METplus configuration file. These variables are referenced in the MET configuration file. YOU SHOULD NOT SET ANY OF THESE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES YOURSELF! THEY WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY METPLUS WHEN IT CALLS THE MET TOOLS! If there is a setting in the MET configuration file that is not controlled by an environment variable, you can add additional environment variables to be set only within the METplus environment using the [user_env_vars] section of the METplus configuration files. See the ‘User Defined Config’ section on the ‘System Configuration’ page of the METplus User’s Guide for more information.

// Grid-Stat configuration file for the cesm_vs_gfs METplus use case
// For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file.

// Output model name to be written
model = "${MODEL}";

// Output description to be written
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
desc = "NA";

// Output observation type to be written
obtype = "${OBTYPE}";


// Verification grid
// May be set separately in each "field" entry
regrid = {
   to_grid    = ${REGRID_TO_GRID};
   method     = NEAREST;
   width      = 1;
   vld_thresh = 0.5;
   shape      = SQUARE;


// May be set separately in each "field" entry
censor_thresh    = [];
censor_val       = [];
cat_thresh       = [];
cnt_thresh       = [ NA ];
cnt_logic        = UNION;
wind_thresh      = [ NA ];
wind_logic       = UNION;
eclv_points      = 0.05;
nc_pairs_var_suffix = "";
nc_pairs_var_name = "";
rank_corr_flag   = FALSE;

//file_type  = NETCDF_NCCF;

// Forecast and observation fields to be verified
fcst = {
   field = [ ${FCST_FIELD} ];
obs = {
   field = [ ${OBS_FIELD} ];

// Climatology mean data
// This section not used in this example.
//climo_mean = {
//   file_name = [ ${CLIMO_MEAN_FILE} ];
//   field     = [];
//   regrid = {
//      method     = NEAREST;
//      width      = 1;
//      vld_thresh = 0.5;
//      shape	 = SQUARE;
//   }
//   time_interp_method = DW_MEAN;
//   match_month        = TRUE;
//   match_day          = FALSE;
//   time_step          = 21600;

//climo_stdev = climo_mean;
//climo_stdev = {
//   file_name = [];
//climo_cdf_bins = 1;


// Verification masking regions
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
// The following mask uses the quality flag variable set in the GloTEC model file (the run WITHOUT RO data)
// Data coverage quality flag. 0=none; 1=poor; 2=fair; 3=good; 4=very good; 5=excellent 
// Note that it is necessary to add 'file_type=NETCDF_NCCF;' below to tell MET that this
// is a NetCDF file (it does not know from the larger context that this is the case). Otherwise
// MET may interpret this as a polyline mask.

mask = {
   grid = [ "FULL" ];
   poly = [ ${VERIF_MASK} ];


// Confidence interval settings
ci_alpha  = [ 0.05 ];

boot = {
   interval = PCTILE;
   rep_prop = 1.0;
   n_rep    = 0;
   rng      = "mt19937";
   seed     = "";


// Data smoothing methods
interp = {
   field      = NONE;
   vld_thresh = 1.0;
   shape      = SQUARE;

  type = [
         method = NEAREST;
         width  = 1;


// Neighborhood methods
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
// UPDATE values in METplus config file to match:
nbrhd = {
   field      = BOTH;
   shape      = ${NEIGHBORHOOD_SHAPE};
   width      = [ ${NEIGHBORHOOD_WIDTH} ];
   cov_thresh = [ >=0.5 ];
   vld_thresh = 1.0;


// Fourier decomposition
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
fourier = {
   wave_1d_beg = [];
   wave_1d_end = [];


// Gradient statistics
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
gradient = {
   dx = [ 1 ];
   dy = [ 1 ];


// Distance Map statistics
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
distance_map = {
   baddeley_p        = 2;
   baddeley_max_dist = NA;
   fom_alpha         = 0.1;
   zhu_weight        = 0.5;


// Statistical output types
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
output_flag = {
   fho    = NONE;
   ctc    = STAT;
   cts    = STAT;
   mctc   = NONE;
   mcts   = NONE;
   cnt    = STAT;
   sl1l2  = STAT;
   sal1l2 = NONE;
   vl1l2  = NONE;
   val1l2 = NONE;
   vcnt   = NONE;
   pct    = NONE;
   pstd   = NONE;
   pjc    = NONE;
   prc    = NONE;
   eclv   = NONE;
   nbrctc = NONE;
   nbrcts = NONE;
   nbrcnt = NONE;
   grad   = NONE;
   dmap   = NONE;

// NetCDF matched pairs output file
// May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry
nc_pairs_flag = {
   latlon       = FALSE;
   raw          = FALSE;
   diff         = FALSE;
   climo        = FALSE;
   weight       = FALSE;
   nbrhd        = FALSE;
   fourier      = FALSE;
   gradient     = FALSE;
   distance_map = FALSE;
   apply_mask   = FALSE;


grid_weight_flag = NONE;
tmp_dir          = "/tmp";
output_prefix    = "${OUTPUT_PREFIX}";
//version          = "V8.1";

See the following files for more information about the environment variables set in this configuration file.


Running METplus

This use case can be run two ways:

  1. Passing in GridStat_fcstCESM_obsGFS_ConusTemp.conf then a user-specific system configuration file:

    master_metplus.py -c /path/to/METplus/parm/use_cases/model_applications/climate/GridStat_fcstCESM_obsGFS_ConusTemp.conf -c /path/to/user_system.conf
  2. Modifying the configurations in parm/metplus_config, then passing in GridStat_fcstCESM_obsGFS_ConusTemp.conf:

    master_metplus.py -c /path/to/METplus/parm/use_cases/model_applications/climate/GridStat_fcstCESM_obsGFS_ConusTemp.conf

The former method is recommended. Whether you add them to a user-specific configuration file or modify the metplus_config files, the following variables must be set correctly:

  • INPUT_BASE - Path to directory where sample data tarballs are unpacked (See Datasets section to obtain tarballs). This is not required to run METplus, but it is required to run the examples in parm/use_cases

  • OUTPUT_BASE - Path where METplus output will be written. This must be in a location where you have write permissions

  • MET_INSTALL_DIR - Path to location where MET is installed locally

Example User Configuration File:

INPUT_BASE = /path/to/sample/input/data
OUTPUT_BASE = /path/to/output/dir
MET_INSTALL_DIR = /path/to/met-X.Y

NOTE: All of these items must be found under the [dir] section.

Expected Output

A successful run will output the following both to the screen and to the logfile:

INFO: METplus has successfully finished running.

Refer to the value set for OUTPUT_BASE to find where the output data was generated. Output for this use case will be found in model_applications/climate/CESM_GridStat/grid_stat (relative to OUTPUT_BASE) and will contain the following files:

grid_stat_CESM_TMP_vs_GFS_ANALYS_060000L_20140801_060000V.stat grid_stat_CESM_TMP_vs_GFS_ANALYS_120000L_20140801_120000V.stat grid_stat_CESM_TMP_vs_GFS_ANALYS_060000L_20140802_060000V.stat grid_stat_CESM_TMP_vs_GFS_ANALYS_120000L_20140802_120000V.stat


sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = ‘_static/climate-GridStat_fcstCESM_obsGFS_ConusTemp.png’

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery