6. GitHub Workflow

How METplus releases are created

The branching model employed by the METplus GitHub repository is similar to that
described in the following document:

where new or updated code is created on a ‘feature’ branch that is based on the NCAR/METplus GitHub ‘develop’ branch.
The feature branch is named after the corresponding GitHub issue:
feature_<Github Issue number>_<brief_description>

When work is complete, the code in the feature branch is merged into the develop branch. When a release candidate
for METplus has been determined, then the develop branch is used to create a master_vx.y release of
METplus, which includes data tarballs for use in running use cases.

Sequence of Events - Contributing Code


Set up a GitHub repository account if you do not already have one, and log into your account. For
more information about GitHub accounts, please refer to the following

Workflow Overview:

A contributor to METplus will do the following:
1. Create a GitHub Issue to track the new contribution
2. Fork the NCAR/METplus repository
3. Clone the fork to local repository
4. Set upstream remote (to assist in keeping upstream and local repositories synchronized)
5. Generate a feature branch from the ‘develop’ branch where new development will take place
6. Make changes to code in the feature branch
7. Commit changes to feature branch (limit one change per commit)
8. Push feature branch to GitHub
9. Open a pull request from feature branch to original repo (from which you forked, in step 2 above)
10. Clean up after pull request has been merged by METplus core team member/approval committee

1. Create a GitHub Issue that reflects what needs to be done

* Go to https://github.com/NCAR/METplus and click on the Issues link, to the right of the Code tab

* Click on the green New issue button

* Write a description of the task and attach appropriate values to Assignee, Labels, and Milestone links
located on the right hand side of the page

2. Fork the NCAR/METplus repository
Retrieve a copy of the source code by forking the NCAR/METplus repository into your own GitHub repository. Click
on the ‘Fork’ button in the upper right hand side of the web page at https://github.com/NCAR/METplus.
Click on the appropriate GitHub account when presented with the pop-up window with the question
‘Where should we fork METplus?’

Your web page will refresh to your GitHub repository at https://github.com/<your-github-user>/METplus
You now have an entire copy of the NCAR/METplus Github repository.

3. Clone the fork to a local repository, ie. copy the source code to the directory where you will be doing your
‘cd’ to the directory where you wish to do your work. From the command line, enter the following:
git clone https://github.com/<your-github-account>/METplus

‘cd’ to the METplus directory. Now you are working in your local METplus repository.

4. Add a remote named origin to the clone of your local Git repository. Thie is how you will push changes to the
repository you forked in step 1:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/NCAR/METplus

To verify that the upstream and origin are correct, at the command line enter:
git remote -v

You should see something like the following:

origin https://github.com/<github-username>/METplus (fetch)
origin https://github.com/<github-username>/METplus (push)

where <github-username> is your GitHub user account name

5. Create a feature branch in the NCAR/METplus GitHub repository following this naming convention:

feature_<Github Issue number>_<brief_description>

So for example, for GitHub issue #777 that creates new wrapper xyz, the feature branch would be named:

Create your feature branch based off the develop branch:
git checkout develop

Verify that you are currently working in the develop branch by entering the following:
git branch

You should see something like the following:
* develop

The asterisk, * indicates the currently active branch.

At the command line, create and checkout the feature branch:
git checkout -b feature_777_wrapper_xyz

except replace feature_777_wrapper_xyz with your feature branch name.

Verify that you are working in the correct branch by entering:
git branch

You should see something like the following:
* feature_777_wrapper_xyz

where the asterisk, * indicates which branch is currently in use/checked out.

6. Make changes to your feature branch and commit changes to your local repository (i.e. where you are doing
your work/local computer)

Create your code following the coding standards in the Coding Standards section of the Contributor’s Guide.
In addition, please provide some tests for your code using the pytest framework and provide user documentation
describing what your code does and provide any necessary data.

Keep your fork in sync:
While you are working, it is highly likely that changes are occurring to the original repository. This
may impact your work. Periodically/regularly use these commands to keep your fork in sync with the
original repository:
git pull upstream develop

git push origin develop

The first command pulls changes from the original repository.
repository that you see when you perform git remote -v and that you set to upstream in
step #4 above. The second command pushes those changes to your forked repository.

Commit any new files:
git add <filename>
Perform this step only if this file is newly created and does not yet exist in your repository.

git commit <filename>
A popup window will appear, where you will enter a description of this commit, using the editor you selected
when you set up your Git account. Please refer to the following on configuring your

For the first line of your commit comment, enter a brief description, such as the GitHub Issue number
and a brief description. On the second and subsequent lines, provide a detailed description of the
changes/additions you made.

Note: It is a best practice to commit one change per commit, rather than wait
until you have multiple changes to include in one commit.

7. Push your changes to GitHub

git push origin <your feature>
to push your changes to the origin (i.e. to your https://github.com/<github-username>/METplus repository)

Replace <your feature> with the name of your feature branch, e.g.:
git push origin feature_777_wrapper_xyz

8. Open a pull request using your browser

To request to have your changes be incorporated into the remote repository

The METplus maintainers will need to approve the request and then merge your files into the main
repository’s develop branch. The develop branch will then be used to create a release candidate.

* In your browser, navigate to https://github.com/<github-username>/METplus

* Click on the green ‘Compare & pull request’ button

* A web page appears with four grey buttons:

* On the left-most button (for setting the base repository), make sure you have selected
‘base repository:NCAR/METplus’

* For the base button, make sure you have selected ‘base:develop’

* For the head repository button, make sure you have selected ‘head repository:<github_username>/METplus’
where <github_username> is your GitHub account name.

* For the compare button, make sure you have selected ‘compare:<your_feature_branch>’
where <your_feature_branch> corresponds to the feature branch where you have been making your
changes (e.g. feature_777_wrapper_xyz).

* In the ‘write’ window, add any additional comments/details. In this window are the comments you
created when you committed your changes in step 6 above.

* You can scroll down to see what changes were made to the file you committed.

* When everything looks satisfactory, click on the green ‘Create pull request’ button.

* Someone from the METplus maintainer group will accept the pull request (if everything meets acceptance criteria)
and merge your code into the remote repository’s develop branch.

9. Clean up after a successful merged pull request

After the METplus maintainers have accepted your changes and have merged them into the main repository, update
your local clone by pulling changes from the original repository’s (i.e. the https://github.com/NCAR/METplus repository)
develop branch:

Checkout your develop branch:
git checkout develop

Verify that you are now working from the develop branch:
git branch

Merge changes from the upstream develop branch with your local develop branch:
git pull upstream develop

Your local cloned repository should now have all the latest changes from the original repository’s develop branch.

Now you can delete your feature branch:

git branch -D <branch name>
git push –delete origin <branch name>

where <branch name> is your feature branch name, e.g. feature_777_wrapper_xyz

e.g. git push –delete origin feature_777_wrapper_xyz

You can verify that your feature branch has been successfully removed/deleted via your web browser.
Navigate to https://github.com/<github-username>/METplus and under the ‘Branch’ pulldown menu, you
should no longer find your feature branch as a selection.

You’ve created a feature branch, made changes, committed those changes to the repository, pushed them to GitHub,
opened a pull request,had your changes merged by the repository maintainers, and finally performed some clean-up.